
Whatever you do, don’t mention his wife’s tenure at Burlington College. 

Brooks is trolling us, this is absolutely a Bernie endorsement.

Brooks doesn’t exactly sound like a conservative.

I agree with your format comment. However, Emmitt Smith is the GOAT.

Chris Gaines is voting for Sanders.

Is it still none of the above?

Won’t someone think of the children? Seriously, ask some 5 year old about Drag Queen Story Hour. Chances are they’re going to say it was awesome!


You’re probably fine. Probably.

I like the Sugar Ray still has late 90s hair.

Did you recently travel to Hubei Province?

If you’re in the United States and you’re reading this on February 27, 2020, you don’t have COVID-19.


Capital gains are already taxed, dumb dumb.

Thanks for the video. Really great interview!

Senator Tom Cotton, or maybe Cotten, has already floated that plot.

These parents would die if they checked their teenagers’ web histories.

$287 is less than $400.

Coronavirus is projected to infect 40-70% of the global population! It is a much bigger risk to the world than Ebola.

No, you need a Minnesota Vikings grill and a Star Trek grill or I will fight you.