Having a Pakistani play a Hindi Indian is a bit problematic.
Having a Pakistani play a Hindi Indian is a bit problematic.
The Kushner’s have credit, they don’t have money.
See Jared Kushner and Harvard.
Heart sucks.
When will they rerelease the Big Stuf Oreo?
Not sure why you guys posted a right wing propaganda video.
Bernie totally said that shit.
Can’t really imagine a movie worse than Little Nicky.
Senators don’t actually do much.
Every remaining book store in America is basically a Harry Potter gift shop.
Lobster is the third most overrated rich person food. It’s just slightly behind caviar and foie gras.
I’m pretty sure Beck no one actually likes Beck. Everyone just assumes that everyone else likes Beck so they also pretend to like Beck.
Most American produce already qualifies.
Six whole episodes? This wasn’t that complex of a scam...
Why is the method of suicide mentioned? It seems pretty weird to say anything other than suspected suicide.
He may be able to win without starting a war.
It’s time for Mayor Pete to head back to the wine caves.
It’s funny because plain coffee is probably the second most vegan drink that exists. Water, of course, being the first.
Hey kids, your parents got deported because your country is run by racist assholes. But look at the brightside, they’re still alive!
This isn’t a new thing.