
Might as well take the selfie, he already had the frame.

I’d say he sounds more like the lead singer of Sweet.

Rangers over the Kings in 7 at MSG.

“They didn’t give their student-atheletes extra pasta? Nothing to see here.” NCAA investigators

Italian food is not better than French and neither is Spanish. You’re way off base here.

Important variation: throw a fried egg on top and you’ve got a Croque Madame and the addition of runny yolk to your delicious carnival of flavor.

I am that old guy who loves The Bends - EVERY song on that record is great, including the title track. And even though OK Computer was very popular, I always felt its what really made Radiohead “more” than just a rock band. Kid A, for me, was the point they became lovable, avante-garde twits with a few great songs

As a major-league fan of Mr. Rogers who didn’t expect this spin-off to merit the same kind of enthusiasm, I’m gonna have to disagree pretty vehemently. There are plenty of cheesy crap kids’ shows that are *educational* in all the most superficial and irritating ways, but Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is teaching a

make your burger healthier

The movie is 100% fiction and propaganda. Fuck Rudy and fuck Notre Dame

One other thing, that you have to look at is the overall market for soccer players. If USMNT players did not earn as much as they did for the national team, some of them might not even play as it wouldn’t be worth getting hurt. The money they men can make on the free market from international clubs and MLS is so much

No, I totally believe that the women would beat the men because they win the world cup and are much more successful. I know my tournament hockey team could beat the Red Wings because we won a men’s league tournament in St Louis.

i love this narrative! i can’t wait until he does one mildly childish thing and we tear him down horribly!

How about Billie-Jo Skeleton as a 16?!

I think that's a Sigur Ros song.

Taco Pope has the peculiar distinction of being both infallible and unfillable.

Chizu Shimizu Buckalew is an extremely strong 15 seed.

Stair daggers would encourage more elevator use.

I hope the players read this and then never give PK quotes ever again.

Yup. And they have to satisfy the Rooney Rule before hiring Koetter.