
Wakey wakey...

It took less than 10 minutes to get this “satellite”into orbit. Anyone confident that Obama or Kerry could be even located in that time?

Either that or he wants some of that $100,000,000,000+ that we just allowed Iran access to.

Not now at least...

They are isolated from us, but not from Iran, whose experts were certainly present at the launch.

Sure. It’s not like they are working with Iran, which has suddenly become 100 billion dollars richer due to Obama’s great deal. What could go wrong?

How long would it take Trump to make a deal that both China and North Korea would not refuse? A week? A month? My guess is less than 24 hours.

Unfortunately, that would take strategic planning, moral conviction and courage.

Check the estimated range maps for North Korea’s long range missiles. They stretch far beyond the west coast. A nuclear EMP device mounted on an existing North Korean missile could literally take out most Americans “all at once”, just like North Korea promised less than a week ago, according to several British

When the world tried that with Hitler it cost 60,000,000+ lives. Since then, technology has evolved such that a single nuclear EMP device, exploded some 300 miles over Chicago, could kill between 300,000,000 and 315,000,000 Americans i.e. 80 - 90% of us.