
My theory is that tgi Friday gave money to Nick Denton to try and become relevant to a particular demographic.

Don’t forget, contracts were so important to the Founders that they were enshrined in the Constitution:

I find it interesting that this article does NOT touch on the fact that this is not a personal phone, but a government owned one, and the government agency has given permission for them to open it. Also, it does not discuss that the order specifically states that the software is to be written specifically for his

For me that person is Madonna, and that’s why I’ll always adore her, no matter how ridiculous she becomes. Being a gay teenager in the 80's, at the height of the AIDS epidemic and the gay panic it created wasn’t easy. To have somebody as big as Madonna being a HUGE advocate for AIDS and celebrating gay people the way

I really hope Obama is appointed as a Supreme Court Justice. That would be amazing!!!

What a cool moment for her.

I wish he could be in his last year forever; he’s been his best self lately! He’s probably gonna be a great ex-president too...

Damn I’m gonna miss him.

Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”

Now that Amazon has driven all the bookstore competition out, that market can be profitable again.


Trying to make bad relationships work.

Work should be on that list.

Its straight bullshit. If you’re protecting me why do you have to hide from me? It feels so wrong — like they’re trying to catch people doing the tiniest little things when they aren't expecting it. How about you just be visually present and then people won't do it in the first place. But wait. then they don't get the

Apples to oranges argument. The riding position of a V-Star puts the mirrors far enough in front of you that you get a much larger unobstructed field of vision than you do on a sport bike. It has nothing to do with the equipment. If you don’t believe me hold a hand mirror a foot in front of your face and see how much

I ran from a cop once, by accident, at 100mph on a freeway. Not in the US. I was wondering why everyone was being so polite and moving out of the fast lane for me.

This. One of the reasons I love living in Georgia is no unmarked cars are used for traffic enforcement. To me that defeats the entire purpose of traffic enforcement. You want people to slow down? Mark your car. You want to let 30 speeders by while you wait for that one guy going even faster to get the biggest ticket

I can see how the guy would miss those lights, honestly. If you look at the cop’s car:

Well to be fair he was saying it was a combination of motorcycles having mirrors that don’t always allow you to see a lot of detail and an undercover cop car that was really nondescript.

This is right on. Unmarked cars should be for surveillance or real crime stopping.