
This is not remotely a scoop, and, outside of saying you can watch a YouTube video of him telling Howard Stern the exact same thing a couple years ago, I’ll leave it at that.

So Ted Lasso wants to marry Hope Van Dyne, but Agent Dooley blackmails him first, and then he gets in hock to Luke Cage? 

Brosnan, the ultimate in-betweener, is seemingly considered almost nobody’s favorite.

The only Pierce Brosnan James Bond movie I’ve seen is Goldeneye. The graphics aren’t very good but it’s probably the most fun I ever had playing a movie especially when there’s 4 of us and the remote mines mode is on.

2003 Dave would probably strangle himself to prevent 2021 Dave’s existence if he knew he’d become the sorta asshole who panders to the people who made him quit Chappelle’s Show in the first place.

It keeps being said, but LOKI never established this. Loki established that the Infinity Stones don’t work in the TVA. They specifically don’t work in that one place. That’s all that was ever said in the show. Nothing else implies that also don’t work in other dimensions outside of the TVA.

‘This week’?! It was news like a month ago! People voted for those capybaras and made murals already.

These people are bad, and they should feel bad.

At this point, this “joke” has gotten so old, it should only appear in an email that has been forwarded five times.

I have to mention that I think MCU movies are soulless corporate products or I’ll spontaneously combust, but I also don’t want to argue (it’s bad for my blood pressure and other members of my family have died of strokes already), so on top of that question I also wish you good luck, hope you have a good, relaxing day,

“M*A*S*H* is the story of a man who’s constantly depressed because he saw a chicken die on a bus this one time”.
-Sammy B

It reminds me of the people who tuned into Lost’s last episode then hurriedly typed their reviews “I haven’t watched this for years and I tune in and I don’t understand anything!” 

Sam just says the stupidest things, sometimes. 

After all, it was in Age Of Ultron that the MCU really started to buckle under the weight of its obligations as a franchise.

“It’s like you’ve actively ignored what is playing out in front of your own eyes only to pretend to be surprised and disappointed when the things teased for weeks play out exactly like they’ve been teased to.”

Who are these people who won’t watch Seinfeld in 4x3?

Somewhere out there is an alternate universe where The Takeout just published an article with the headline “The McRib proves that McDonald’s will never serve anything but fast food,” or something to that extent.

I think what’s crazy is that they teased a crossover in the trailers for this show, and you have spent weeks in your reviews where one of your complaints is about how they’re standalone episodes and don’t seem to be crossing over only to complain now that it has laid that cross-over out. It’s like you’ve actively

People have been complaining about it for ages - it’s much louder now because Netflix spent 1/2 the money on earth to acquire the show and promote it widely, but then they put it out in the same shitty version that people have already been complaining about.

It’s why it’s stayed so popular.