You don't really remember this episode correctly at all, see my other post.
You don't really remember this episode correctly at all, see my other post.
Completely pointless argument above between people who all agree that Troi sucks as a character and that the writers are at fault. This is a risible character — I wish Zach had torn her to even smaller shreds, I don't think the shreds he left were small enough.
One problem with 'Necessary Evil' that neither Zach nor anyone in the comments appears to have picked up is that once the episode has achieved the 'dark moment' between Kira and Odo it was reaching for that works so well, it immediately drops the whole murder mystery angle and we don't find out who was behind any of…
The genetic engineering expanation only really works if there are no interspecies unplanned pregnancies, and Star Trek hasn't held to that. Naomi Wildman was unplanned and I believe so was B'Elanna's pregnancy. It's not just Voyager, either. Even in TNG, Worf's son Alexander's accidental, natural conception shouldn't…
There seems little point revisiting BSG since its greater mysteries and prophecies are increasingly affixed to a single character who in the end vanishes into thin air without explanation. You can't watch it without increasingly pinning your hopes for a resolution on Starbuck, and once you know where that goes, there…
This entire conversation is evidence that gimmick posters have long ago jumped the shark in the comments sections for these reviews. There is no point in reading any of them until 2012 when Rappin Jake Sisko comes along. /meta-meta-review
Liaisons ≠ Liasons. I only mention this at this late date because this spelling error makes it impossible to do a google search for this episode review on AVclub.
Conservative Trek fans tend to prefer TOS to TNG because to them the message of TOS was not how important it is to have rules like the Prime Directive, but rather how important it is not to actually follow idealistic imposed-from-above rules like the Prime Directive.
@avclub-c20d80be8816d38362a75bd62f11ddf0:disqus Attacking people because they liked someting you didn't is a tried-and-true tradition, as is telling people your word is final. Positing your own set of whaaambulance rules that nobody else follows however is no different than acting butthurt improvisationally.
@avclub-c20d80be8816d38362a75bd62f11ddf0:disqus Attacking people because they liked someting you didn't is a tried-and-true tradition, as is telling people your word is final. Positing your own set of whaaambulance rules that nobody else follows however is no different than acting butthurt improvisationally.
@avclub-c20d80be8816d38362a75bd62f11ddf0:disqus Here's a crazy idea. How about everybody says what they think without acting all butthurt and pretending as if being contradicted is some form of censorship?
@avclub-c20d80be8816d38362a75bd62f11ddf0:disqus Here's a crazy idea. How about everybody says what they think without acting all butthurt and pretending as if being contradicted is some form of censorship?
I'm sure at least a half dozen people on the set that day knew better. They just didn't say anything because it wasn't their place.
The Ferengi clearly have a military and are not afraid of using it. Quark's speech about Ferengi pacifism is much loved around here but it's pure bunk both from the perspective of the realism of the surroundings in which they live and in terms of actual Ferengi behaviour. They cannot even cooperate with Federation…
Tolkien would be absolutely horrified to read these arguments that his work reveals sympathies with eugenicists. I offer as evidence his scathing response to some German WWII-era publisher who asked him to prove his Aryan ancestry:
It was quite clear. Odan to Riker: "If you transport me it will kill me." It doesn't make sense for him to have been using that as a pretext to avoid discovery, either, because at that point Odan's host was already mortally injured and had to know he was about to go under the laser scalpel regardless of whether he got…
I'm amazed that by this far down in the comments section after all the remarks in the review and below about Picard looking sad and defeated in this episode, no one above this post appears to have pointed out that the dude JUST got done being tortured horribly for an extended period in Chain of Command Part II. This…
If Maxwell hadn't changed The Phoenix's access codes before Picard gave them to the Cardassians (and he might well have), he definitely would have changed them afterward! So it's no wonder that Picard doesn't try that trick a second time. There are many other episodes in which access codes get changed the minute a…