
The whole handling of Candice was just a series of me saying "Misty wyd, sis". I get that she feels betrayed by the police system but Candice had absolutely no security detail aside from Claire and her mother? I mean did the fact her and Candice were able to outsmart Shades at the club really enstill that much

Man, I really, really hope Manstoukas gets a cameo in the revival as well. And I can't wait to hear everything about it on the podcast. ALSO MAYBE THEY WILL FINALLY GET ALEXIS BLEDEL ON THE SHOW (probably not, but a girl can dream)

Chiming in to say that I too am loving this year's cast.

Code switching is real lol. I have a cousin who speaks with what might term an "African" accent but when he's around people in the workplace and basically out of the home. He sounds like a different person. To the extent that he sounds fake AF. But that's how you play the game.

Oh man this one hit home…I've been using Uber a lot lately and I found out a few weeks ago how to check my rating on the app. And since then I have been hyper conscious of it. I have gone to the extent of checking my rating after almost every ride.

*insert bad Good Wife joke about how Lemond Bishop should know better than to trust the system to put away criminals*

I like the video but I kind of prefer the music video for his song "Chief Don't Run"

His style is influenced by his late father. I watched and interview where he said he really embraced the "classic man" look after this father passed away. His dad always had a beard and wore fresh suits. He was also a Nigerian chief so I guess if you listen to the song with that lens it kind of takes a different

Guys, this episode introduced me to Jidenna and let me tell you…I went down a hole. I listened to all the music by him that I could find. I watched his Classic Man music video. The remix with Kendrick and I saw Issa Rae in the video. I did some further "research" and I found out that they went to university together.

No Luke Cage review?

Lmao there is is always that one person…..

Lol I notice you said "used to know". This guy seems like a very frustrating person to have a conversation with. I do not mean to generalize "white males" by any means but in my mind it's very frustrating that possibly the same white males who used to refer to my brothers as Kunta Kinte (we are first generation

I don't disagree with anything you said. Sometimes I think I am part of the problem because I do stan for shows like The Wire. I don't believe that people should be barred from writing stories about people different from themselves. I guess exploitation is an extreme way of putting it and I don't COMPLETELY subscribe

It's really good that the writers took the opinions of the actresses into account and I do have to commend them for that. But there is still a huge difference in my opinion between having some input into something that is already completed versus being involved in the creation of the actual product. Hopefully based on

I don't see why this would be necessary as this show (as most shows are) is meant to be consumed by a wide variety of people so I really don't mind that he continued his reviews this season. He seems to really enjoy the show and puts a lot of thought into his reviews.

I am also a black person who very much enjoys this show but those articles along with some other things that I have read recently have given me pause. One example of this is that I recently read Roxane Gay's "Bad Feminist". She spends an entire chapter of the book talking about the movie "The Help" and another talking

Thank you for acknowledging that post about the events of the season from the perspective of black viewers. Ever since I saw that picture of the writers room without a single black writer I became a bit skeptical. While I am glad that we are seeing more people of colour on tv shows in general these articles are not

Ugh that callback to Tricia absolutely broke me…

This show really just goes from 0 to 100. I was expecting something bad to happen to Piper and I was so sure that I would not feel bad about it but that swastika branding. Damn, that's a tough pill to swallow. They could have just beat her up but that would not have been enough. Now she has a physical reminder of her

Wow my hatred for Piper is at an all time high I think. It was SO good to see Nicky in action again. I do wonder though if it was the sight of Sophia's cell or Luschek's visit that pushed her to go looking for drugs again. Perhaps a combination of both.