large garlic

It’s not on Starz. It’s on Showtime like the original series. There’s no “who knows” about it. But you know, the AV Club doesn’t normally cover pop culture news so I understand how a mistake like that could happen.

Don’t scare me like that. Before I got to the bottom and realised it was a screenshot, I thought they had started inserting ads in between comments.

Since The Wheel of Time is already finished (as ASoIaF was not when HBO started Game of Thrones) I think it would be smart to go in planning exactly how many seasons to have. Eight sounds great. (Maaaaaybe 10...depending on how many episodes per season and how many books each one manages to cover.)

Agreed. All of Jordans’ elaborate descriptions will be automatically compressed by virute of the nature of the filmic medium, unless for some reason the showrunners decide to have lots of long, lingering shots of dresses and horses.

You have less to worry about than you think. If there’s anything that a tv show might help, and I’m being semi-serious here, it’s paring Robert Jordan’s over-descriptive writing down to two seconds of screen time without having to actually add or remove any material.

My darling, you look feverish tonight...

I hate how the discussion about the vaccines has become an argument about whether or not the government can make you take them. You shouldn’t have to be made to take them! You should want to get vaccinated because it’s the right thing to do to protect your fellow humans from death and suffering. And also, getting

Baio Sorbo would be one heck of a Star Wars name.

Oh no, Eric Clapton won’t be playing gigs, I guess I won’t get the privilege of hearing live, I dunno, something noodly from the Lethal Weapon 3 soundtrack, it’s probably the last time he was relevant in the last thirty years or so.

Some good username-comment synergy here.

Scott Derrickson leaving Doctor Strange only for Marvel to get Sam raimi to replace him has got to be one of the best damage control moves in comic book movie history.

But it’ll still just be Marvel “crazy” so will still end in all the heroes fighting a CGI army/fortress/laser stuff and punching a dude to win.
Holy Mountain, now that’s a crazy movie.

Ragnarok is likely my favorite MCU flick. This one can't come soon enough. 

Not being a Marvel expert, I thought it was just a tiny Thor, not a frog.

Sideshow Beast

I have no idea what this is about but it already sounds like too much drama for me.

Charles” died last year, which led to Nowicki finally reaching out to Roupenian to ask how she knew so many details about the relationship. The answer isn’t wholly surprising (there’s no huge twist or mystery)...

You ever try wrestling a rhinoceros?

“And none of our hobbits ever have to pee in bottles either, we assure you!”

Every network and streaming service under the sun has their share of shows that had to be canceled despite having fanbases... except for Showtime... those shows go on endlessly.