
Just curious about the drill; what’s the bar for ‘useful’? I’ve got the 18v version, and it’ll drill a hole through wood. I know I’m not going to find it on a construction site, but it seems fine for what most people are going to do with a cordless drill.

Just curious about the drill; what’s the bar for ‘useful’? I’ve got the 18v version, and it’ll drill a hole through

I’m sure it did, but I’m impressed - especially in the chase-car shots - that they got two cars with significantly different size/weight to make jumps so similarly

I’m honestly surprised at how similarly the gopro camera acted - landing back on the track perfectly, despite what I’d imagine was a higher center of gravity and different weight

All phones die. Not all phones truly live.

Out of cardboard boxes?


Your phone only lives once

I’d imagine you want this on top of your desk in all its sexy glory, but that fat dick-looking cable sticking out at you might be distracting

It’s been ages since I bought a non-laptop, but I always liked having the power button, headphone jack. and USB ports on the front, so they could be...used.

“ Does the vapor steam up the windows and drip down, because that would be gross.”


It’s the Affliction t-shirt of the animal kingdom

“features a five-shot spinning drum on the front that automatically reloads after each attack.”

Wait, the barrels somehow load themselves with darts? What sorcery!

“biosafety cabinet”?
Yeah, my hands are also not constantly down my pants.

But if you shoot a sunset at 120fps, you can make it look even longer

Or, you could buy a 12 inch pop-up reflector that folds up to basically nothing...

Incredibly lame. At first glance (at the .gif), I thought the pizza was going to start out looking like a basic cheese, and then as it baked, morph into a secret pepperoni miracle.

Honestly, though. I spent $160 and about 10 minutes of time researching. The vacuum in this post is $40 or $50 (although, if you already have one hanging around and don’t mind semi-permanently attaching it to a robot, you could save that), and though there’s no cost breakdown, I have to guess the DIY version cost

Great; one of the Anker robot vaccuums that was on sale the other day just showed up today. I could have saved tens of dollars

My point is that (ignoring outliers like the ef-m and nikons mirrorless mount) a lens that’s compatible with a full frame camera of that brand is compatible with all modern dslrs. I don’t get the “big difference”

Still, though, is there really a “big difference” between being compatible with’offered for both Nikon and Canon full-frame cameras’and being offered for Canon and Nikon mounts?