
It’ll be fine once the elections start 2020.  

The night King was more like Global warming. Something that needed to be addressed and dealt. The Human aspects of Westeros paralleled our reality in this last episode that required the viewer to acknowledge the horrors of war and that the illusion of heroes and their deeds.

IDK,  he has strong opinions and doesn’t care what others think of him.   This was a waste of time for all involved, myself included.  This was a slow news day for splinter.  Who the fuck cares.

I believe your entitled to your opinion as well as i am to mine, who cares?

Wishing you great health Alex and Mike

Pardon me for my non-Midwesternism but aside from googling, wtf is giardiniera? 

Jane and Chad are supposedly living Waco,Tx.  

Ladder: Pull me up

I mean,  she did influence one of the greatest love songs of our time.

Is this the female equivalent of Women shouldn’t be allowed to wear yoga pants in public’?   I shave because i break out in hives growing facial hair.

Slow news day- Satire greatest scientific achievement in meme-ory.

Thoughts and prayers”,  Probably.

They just don’t CARE.   

I am going to take a wild guess and assume that you did not read the Books.  Being that your super busy and all watching and talking about random AV stuff.  

Decriminalize it, release the poor shits that are in prison for it,  then make it super legal so Big Pharm can suck it.

Blink,  and it’s gone.  Didn’t even know this whole thing existed, lul.

Oh no, Voice of reason, BEGONE!

It’s good entertainment for those cities that have a deep and resonating love of American Football. Been to an AAF game and it was fun.  Besides , Rod SAF that ‘Moose’ Johnston is a GM in the League.

RIP Mr Steves. After Sammie Brown show stopped abruptly on Travel channel i started watching your shows on PBS’s around the country.  You will always be there when i am in Greece.

Even with the MAGA hat,  the brown-skinned person was harassed by his constituents.