i don’t get it.
Was not what i expected to see from your description. I see nothing here bad.
2019 will always be remembered as the year we transitioned to the series of a movie franchise that really mattered. Queue James Cameron.
Canned is canned? Try some artisan canned seafood from your local specialty store, please.
Trump>Splinter, TiL. I mean fuck this sub.
Oh hell yes. Besides, they can afford it.
Denounce the words and not his appearance. Go higher.
This article violates so many ethical journal-ism’s that it makes me want to vomit. How different are you from RT or IRAgency? Oh wait, they actually report and not involve their emotions when they blatantly lie.
Ur an idiot.
Lul, undertaker.
That windshield wiper was judging the bus driver a bit too harshly tbh.
I mean, they started out with the Top shelf and worked their way down to the ‘pedestrian booze’. I don’t think they were shooting for Uber gourmande.
It’s a play with wording, a kind of pun. It is political satire. Thanks for the lesson on Pedantry.
Hell fucking Yea.
Or that he was the first Black President EVER that caused this resulting in borderline racists to switch parties. I blame the mf voters.
Pain , chronic illness, self loathing? Anyone ? Can you relate? Guess not. Grabbing on to something be it Religion, Science, a piece of rock or an amusing little blog on the internet can help you get by when in a time of personal crisis.
I would love to see the nurses notes from this senseless tragedy. If another urgent or emergent patient occupied their time, the gap of notation might be evident. Straight up vital signs should’ve clued someone in her drop/increase of a bp, hr pallor , Hgb or Hct (which in all probability a large subgroup of…
I dressed as comfortable as possible (sweatpants , Nike’s, chip brim for the local team) into a tourist trap restaurant tonight and as we were lead to our table by the host and we passed a table of middle to older aged Wypipo, i was greeted by the silence associated by the clergy. So loud and deafening it was one…