Addendum: OHSHIT
Addendum: OHSHIT
There is a distinct difference between being open to other opinions and letting people publish terrible, incorrect information. The NY Times seems to be struggling with this lately. There are two or more sides to many arguments. That doesn’t mean they are all correct, or factually supported, or deserving of attention.…
There are a lot of kids, black and brown kids, mostly, in jails and prisons for pot when 2/3 of the population thinks it should be completely legal. That is an important issue.
You’re misunderstanding my point.
Taking off a condom during sex is not as bad as a violent forcible rape. It’s still bad though
Also, having unprotected sex with a partner who thinks you’re monogamous when you’re not is a consent violation. That doesn’t make it rape or even sexual assault, but it’s still wrong.
The thing about the Rabbi Shmuley selfie is what is written ON the whiteboard: Muslim Ban (checked as completed) - this accidental evidence will kill the White House’s contention (in the appellate courts) that the travel restrictions were anything other than religious discrimination (and leave no room to argue that…
It could’ve been you, Hill. I will never stop being sad.
I watched her speak today. She looked poised, made self-deprecating jokes, referenced facts, and used words above a 3rd grade reading level.
For the sake of convenience I’m just going to not refer to him at all for any reason whatsoever.
a friend of mine had to collect all the scraps of the taxi she was born in and reassemble it in order to get her name changed. True story.
Dude what? You know that hospitals aren’t in charge of names, right? Jesus fucking Christ.
Oy. You had one hit. One hit, brah. One hit should not do this to a man. Talk about a gateway drug.
I got together with some friends of mine yesterday, one of whom worked for Pence several years ago. She can’t stand him, said his weirdo women-as-only-sexual threats thing permeates his office. He won’t meet with any staff alone if they are female so no women ever were given senior positions. She felt it was a form of…
His campaign and presidency are erased from the collective consciousness. Trump remembers it all, but no one believes him. We just remember him as that tacky reality show host, and think the poor old fool has lost his mind when he keeps tweeting about how he used to be president and it was bigly tremendous. The Trump…
Goes through a grueling trial. Barely escapes jail. At first he thinks it’s business as usual, rich shit getting out of jail for free. But his assets are seized and frozen. He’s broke, destitute. He’s stuck with Melania, too, and she with him. They hate each other but can’t separate. His kids are disrespected…
The fact that he still refers to the ban as “the ban” is really not going to help his case in court, is it?