Whoooa, Ignatiy!
Whoooa, Ignatiy!
I really felt for Maelys. Rhaenys is like “once more into battle, old friend!” and she’s probably thinking like “oh, ok I haven’t roasted humans in ages.” Then when she got there and was commanded to fight Sunfyre she must have been like “wtf is this shit!?”
I am older now (obviously) than when I watched GoT - more emotional instead of more cynical, though.
I don’t think the reasoning is anything other than GRRM having a bit of fun while naming a few of hundreds, if not thousands, of characters in his books and lore.
Truth? The new ownership loved the original incarnation of the site, and the current editors believe in the concept of “standing on the shoulders of giants.” They’ve endured the G/O era, they’ve got good writers who were stymied by the requirements placed upon them by the previous ownership, and I truly believe that…
The fact that they can’t legally mention Hannibal feels like a fitting revenge for how the MGM people never budged on even a character as pointless as Krendel being allowed to be used by Bryan Fuller.
Being served this instead of Hannibal season 4 is rude.
Trump is a sack of shit. People who voted for Trump are moronic sacks of shit.
Yes. Yes. For God’s sake, where is this?
Seriously, for all the shit Disqus got on AV Club, most for good reason, there was never this type of clusterfuck.
I still don’t know where I am. I’m pretty sure this is what going senile will feel like.
Oh, hello me. I finally found my own post an hour after I posted it.....BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING “SORT BY MOST RECENT” FUNCTION, KINJA.
Thanks for ruining something great, you petty ass, synergy addicted, no vision having pieces of shit.
I love how you can’t sort by the most recent comments.
Fuck you AV Club. This migration was awful. To say that the Kinja comments functionality leaves a little to be desired would be like saying that the Challenger space shuttle launch went a ‘little’ bit wrong.
HOW IN THE HELL are you supposed to use the comments if they don’t put the most recent comments at the top?!?!
They can’t even get them in regular chronological order, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.
This commenting system is not very good, you guys.
Fuck you Kinja and especially fuck you Ernie!
I hate this shit.