NoAla Mom

I do like to go barefoot, at least when I am home in the summertime. I loved and cherished each of my pregnancies and my children. They are my proudest accomplishment and my greatest love. I do enjoy cooking, but only believe in working from scratch, so that limits me to a couple nights a week. I work 50+ hours a

You don't have the interests of all women in mind. You just gave a prime example of that. And, again, you can't prove your point so you revert to insults.
I know that equal pay issues are a result of poor negotiation skills. I found that out through experience. If I didn't like an offer, I counter offered. Most women

So what you are saying is that women should only support other women who are politically aligned with them. So, if a females choices don't match your political bent, then you are anti-choice for those women, correct?
I don't know a single woman who is against equal pay. You know what stops women from getting equal

I would personally like to see Pam in a pants suit as a "Democunt". Now that would be an interesting subplot. She's already a lesbian so she's halfway there..

What is with the Bill Flashbacks? The Yakuza thing is just weird and out of left field. This season seems to be circling the drain and not ending the series with any kind of oomph.

Then call yourself National Organization for Liberal Women and stop pretending that you support a gender. NOW supports an ideology first and a gender second. Period. I find your insults to be boring and lame (Uncle Tom? for a woman?). Besides, insults are the last refuge of an unintelligent mind.


I did, and thanks for pointing it out. But it was only a reply to someone else's comment. I thought I would put my full thought out there for someone like you to come along and bash. Again, please tell me what part of that is incorrect? I just wonder why they would bash a segment of their audience? I have been a loyal

I would say that it would be near dog whistle level. I was just pointing out that NOW and others who supposedly defend women, really only defend liberal women. Republic*nts - not so much.

I guess I never noticed that they didn't actually get it on in front of the camera. And yes, Jesus was hot. I enjoy Lafayette as a character and I'm glad they kept him past the first season (he died at the end of the first book).

Um, he had a boyfriend. Remember Jesus???

Can you imagine the NOW gang's high pitched screeching if Pam called herself a Democunt?

Please. Go back to the second season. He has flashback about the civil war and it doesn't involve this nonsense. It's like they are trying to rewrite shit. In the books, Bill is irrelevant after 3.

At some point, lame political story lines where everyone is a stereotype just get really old. I think I'm done at this point. It would have been interesting to see the heads exploding if this was a Hillary Clinton fundraiser at Bill's library and Pam said she looked like a Democunt. Nah, that would never happen. And