
I would suggest you read the book. There’s nothing in what she writes that suggests that he pressured her into anything or that their relationship was non-consensual in any way. She doesn’t look back on it with any bitterness. Like, yeah, he married and emotionally unavailable, but that’s not the same thing as being a

I don’t think it’s shade, I think she was actually friends with Melissa Mathison. She dedicated her first novel to her as well and thanked her for the help (Mathison was a screenwriter). Mathison also started dating Ford when he was still married to his first wife, so she was in the same boat as Carrie Fisher was at

I should also point out that in the acknowledgments, she dedicates this book to Melissa Mathison, Ford’s second wife.

Hmmmm. People with dream jobs are happiest while people with repetitive jobs where they get cursed at are least happy. I surely didn’t see this coming.

I really do not understand the cult of Oprah. She’s done some good things (like gave my favorite homeless shelter a million dollars) but she’s also introduced lots of crap to the world.

I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.


That’s Melissa Mathison.

LOL, me too. Giles and Spike together were so great.

“Carrie Fisher fucked Harrison Ford!!!”

...the actress finally explicitly admits she dated Ford, who was married at the time...

You’re making it way too complicated, man.

Wryly is defined as something slightly sarcastic in a humorous way, or something clever with a bit of irony. When you make a comment that is funny and sarcastic, this is an example of a situation where you might be said to have spoken wryly

I’m certain he’s joking. I think it’s meant to be a sort of self-deprecation, a joke at himself and the whole idea of celebrity soap-boxing - the kind of joke any of us might make and think, “This joke is fine because surely nobody could possibly take it at face-value”. And yet, this comment thread.

To be fair, he sounds like a supreme twat, but I think it’s noted that he’s joking with this statement.

Yes, and thank you. Chick lit IS a genre, and it’s ridiculous to pretend it isn’t, or that it even has anything to do with the gender of the author. There are men who also write “chick lit.” Hello, Nicholas Sparks! Chick lit is chick lit. It's what you read on a damn beach, and all of her books qualify. Toni Morrison? Zadie Smith? Rice? Didion??? Not chick lit.

Wow. It is too early in the day/week to have to read that pile of garbage coming out of that woman’s mouth.

Exactly. I’m also that age, and it was widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, that *was* consent. (Though even then, I think a lot of us would have said bringing his friends in crossed the line to rape.)

I think that’s a very good point, though this movie in particular is a very political piece of art. But I also think art is valuable and powerful in its own right. Your point is definitely taken, though.