
The moment he turned around and said “I’ve got you ma’am” to the flight attendant melted my heart. But the rest of it was absolutely horrible. One of the saddest things about the last four years is how the ahole in chief taught Americans to openly hate each other and removed the shame that previously stopped most idiot

Fines? That’s it? People who act like this, and especially anyone who assaults a crew member, should be banned from flying for the rest of their lives.

The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.

I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch

If you read the bible and look to the story of the tower of Babel, the biblical answer is, “Cause Fuck em, that’s why.”

This isn’t really “modding” in the traditional sense, so much as it is “cracking, and calling it such (I realize that they called it modding first, not you in the article) casts a shadow over the scene in general.

Remember kids, video game developers are not about your fun...they are about your wallet.

PC players playing 4 without the first 3:

I’m no paleontologist but I don’t see it. What was the sudden and catastrophic event that helped to create this fossil of several creatures in mid meal? Wouldn’t such an event frighten the creatures into flight? Having the remains in close proximity could have just been happenstance of the event.

Of COURSE the guy whose vision for a modern blockbuster was the same aspect ratio of “I Love Lucy” would have dead pixels in his new movie.

I Still can’t get over the absurdity that his magnum opus 4 hour justice league movie was shot entirely in 4:3 like a 90's sitcom.

I feel like I am either vastly underestimating the size of the Warhammer fanbase, or they are grossly overestimating it.  There’s no middle ground here, one of us is severely wrong here.

I would argue these conservative apex predators are going after moneyed interests desiring fleecing conservative rubes.

Because the sort of people who are dumb enough to want “republican youtube” are also those who are dumb enough to not know how to block ads and dumb enough to fall for MLM’s and other shitty companies that will advertise on there, so it’s free $$$. 

No one wants to buy bridges! ...Put those bridges into NFTs, though, and you’re about to make bank!

That flu experience is why I get the flu vaccine each year.  "Flu" is a huge variety of viruses of differing severities.  The vaccine is protective against the 3-4 hardest hitting strains "out there" in a given year. The flu shot won't stop you from getting the flu. It'll keep you from getting the flu that'll

Evangelicals have always been offended by things. They were offended when Dogma came out in 1999. They were offended when The Last Temptation of Christ came out in 1988. At this point in time, I sincerely don’t give a shit about them being offended when “being offended” is their continual state of being.

Yeah but when have the right wing stopped Marvel from succeeding?

Glad he’s alright. People wanna act like this is all nothing. Some are fortunate enough to not have a terrible reaction to the virus, but it’s definitely not nothing. I barely got out of bed for almost three days when I had it. It didn’t feel like the end of the world, but it still fucking sucked.

...and none of them were children.

A religion is just a cult that outlasted the other cults.