
Why the sun? It would only take 30 Seconds to Mars

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.

Hell even Neelix had Kess, and he’s the Star Trek equivalent of Jar Jar.

I’m actually looking forward to the new Ghostbusters, but as far as I’m concerned it’s actually Ghostbusters 4 and this 2009 third-person shooter (voiced by the original cast) is the real Ghostbusters 3. Solid story that fit in with the original two and pretty fun as well.

All those dudes that I beat the shit out of as Bats in the various Arkham games are totally fine. Totally fine you guys.

I don’t think George Lucas had the foresight to understand there would be an animated series set in the same universe more than 30 years in the future.


Back when games shipped with a whole fricking book for you to read.

It’s a British TV company.

Does he have anything to do with them dying in their sleep?

That’s clearly not what’s happening here, as the noise complaint came after the eviction notice, and both came after the landlord thought he was having gay sex in the apartment and called him a slur and cursed him out. Apartments have noise restrictions; they don’t have sexuality restrictions.

I actually had to look

a non-issue that no one except a handful of idiots care about

Yeah because my last three Android phones just couldn’t manage to wake the screen when I picked it up in as polished of a manner as Apple. Do you hear yourself?

It is amazing to me just how many of these things have been native to Android phones for years. It is weird to see virtually every announcement be about playing catch-up to a competitor.

What? So only the humans managed to escape the Reapers? That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Humanity was part of an allied galactic community so they should absolutely bring members of every species with them. I’m expecting the full gamut: Turian, Quarian, Salarian, Drell, Asari, Batarian, Elcor, Volus, Hanar etc. etc.

You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.

Thanks for the counter-point and downright catty finish. You’re a fun read!

Well they went authentic by using some cross hatching, but the art of the subjects themselves is WAY too “modern comic book.” At first I thought I was being too critical because the art needs to look modern enough to sell to the normies, but then, are normies the market for a Tobin’s Spirit Guide in the first place?

One of the victims of the Red Wedding is back from the dead and hell bent on revenge... I’m not sure what’s so mysterious about that being something of a popular idea.

They weren’t random peasants... People need to stop saying that. The priest was a former Frey or Lannister bannerman who killed children (it was in his emotional backstory he told us) and was trying to make up for that. The peasants could also have had similar sordid backgrounds. This is Game of Thrones, saying you’re