
Uh.... burnt hair and Abe Sapien both in one picture. Well done Kotaku.

Holy crap! This looks fantastic!! I hadn't even heard of this game but now it's definitely on my wishlist!

Awesome! Now there's two hypocrites on the journey instead of just one!

I got tickets. This will be the first Blizzcon I attend, so I'm interested in seeing what all the hub bub is about.

What in the hell is that???

Bleh... this movie is going to blow.

lol.. is this guy for real?

She looks short in those pictures on the daily mail.

You know... a lot of parents these days are from my generation and I just have to ask - WTF is wrong with you people???

I'm concerned that this game won't live up to the hype I have built-up in my mind. =(

Isn't this the kind of people that Nintendo is trying to attract with their Wii?

I'll admit that I bought the game because it had Star Wars characters.

I don't know.... the gameplay looks pretty shaky to me. And WTF? I thought that Sheva was supposed to help you and not get in the way?

That seriously annoys me to no end. I hate knowing that I am helping to pay for this crap.

Wow... that one on the right looks awesome.

I honestly don't care, I'm getting this for the PC anyway.

Meh... more of the same useless drivel...

@tooji: Can you say that again? I don't think we heard you the first two times.

One of the problems with Blizzard is that they make CGI movies that look so much more realistic and better than what their actual games look like.