Lara Emily

No I mean Sulkowicz she is a potential rape victim here, I mean sure maybe she’s lying, but she did not name him and I think that is worth something and I do think it’s completely different that her not naming him is not the same as Kipnis not naming this student. One is trying to talk about your own experiences which

Apology accepted. I of course disagree that she has in any way made a solid argument that women are self-infantalizing.

But she provides no nuance for in between ie actual rape survivor and I think even her acceptance of it for incest is kinda debatable. Also I’ve literally never heard of fondling being called rape and I can’t verify anything she is saying and I know this is probably my bias but everything she says is so over the top

But she is pretty incredulous about it. But hey sure maybe I’m wrong, definitely think accusing me of not being able to read is a great way to have this conversation.

Well except on is someone directly involved ie the potential victim, and the other is a third party that probably shouldn’t be so openly discussing a case, especially in such ways that all but call the student a liar, that is none of her business. There is a massive difference.

Also Students can just post articles like

Not really you can’t extrapolate this one event to some nation wide feminist crisis, and again all we know is her argument. The students have no voice in this piece or anything else right now. They are probably over the line, but everything is filtered through Kipnis, both sources are things written by her on her

That’s really sad too.

As soon as she scare quotes around survivor when talking about incest survivors it’s pretty clear to me her intention is to state that the term survivor should never have expanded beyond the Holocaust.

If you disagree that’s your prerogative.

Also it’s a baffling segue to go from survivor talk to triggers, I have seen

I made my argument, she invokes the Holocaust as a means to diminish incest and rape survivors. There is no reason to bring up the Holocaust in that piece other than to diminish and dismiss the experiences of those she’s upset with, sexual harassment, groping (and she veers into even saying this about incest) is no

Can I just point out that a women created comic about women is being handed over to a basically all male writing and producing team.

So you don’t think all but accusing incest and rape victims who like to use the term survivor of trivializing the Holocaust is out of line? All in the name of defending teachers fucking their students?

There’s nothing fundamental about Johnny Storm’s race. Micheal B Jordan is the most talented actor in that cast, it’s beyond stupid to point to him as even a slight reason why this film might not be good.

I mean hell Doctor Doom is probably going to be a disaster but here you are in this thread defending all the

Uhhhh. You know thry might have adopted her first and then had Johnny right?

Micheal B Jordan has a working history with Trask. He was the first actor attached to this project.

Who the fuck approved a 65 year old getting IVF. Jesus christ. Those kids are going to gave to bury their mother at a ridiculously young age.

Omg JLC acting like a psychotic version of her Freaky Friday Lindsay Lohan impression?

That I’d fucking watch.

It’ll be her secret twin.

And yet somehow this made the Scream TV series trailer look so much better, and that didn’t look very good either.

This looks way to much like all the 90s slasher that wated to be Scream so desperately. Plus it’s on a bloody broadcast television channel. No way they let it have the bite that American Horror Story has

Yay :)!

It was so special. He was so wonderful.