Lara Emily

Reminds me of those assholes who showed up, on that article on ROYGBIV about the trans woman whose corpse was altered by her parents and was buried under her not even legal name, to say that those parents were just grieving, that gender identity is just too complicated to really grasp anyway so it shouldn't be a bad

It really shows how far behind even places like this are sometimes. If this was a story about how abusive parents, who terrorized say their cis lesbian daughter, sent her to ex-gay conversion ministries therapy, and drove her to suicide, were asking for compassion we would not be seeing the level of "we need to

Indeed I was worried we'd get a tone deaf article because of Shia's ast history but it was completely well written and supportive of him.

Just more evidence that justice is for white people

I'm 30 and in Acting School and all my classmates are 18-19-20-2, I have no issues spending time with them or relating to them at all.

And I can criticize it if I want an opinion isn't a get out of criticism free card.

Jesus Christ you GGers can't even fucking boycott properly. Why are you even here anymore?

Fun fact I have a massive crush on Steve Buscemi

The fuck? Getting a trans woman writer and training her and giving her a door into the industry is cheating?

Also you are like my favorite person to interact with on trans issues here and at GT


Yeah no you can learn medical jargon, a doctor is a job, you can't ever really learn what it is like to have lived life as a trans person. Which isn't to say that cis folk should never trans characters but you cannot cannot dismiss the importance of giving trans folk the chance to write about their experiences and


""I think great writers should write great shows," she told Soloway, "and I have trouble with, like, what you are in life shouldn't automatically make you what you do in your art. It doesn't necessarily translate."

That is such a fucking bullshit statement that has been used to constantly reinforce the Whiter

It's still a ridiculous statement. You don't get to decide who is The Other.

Gee so I guess I as someone who has owned almost every system since the SNES but really enjoy playing video games for narratives. (Video games have unique ways to explore stories and also tend to offer weird odd narratives that you don't get in a lot of the other mediums) is just an outsider.

Please avoid accusing

Yep he also thinks Obama wants to let Ebola into the USA.

Yeah that was fucked. She was genuinely proud and they turned around and made sexist jokes, completely ignoring everything she said. I've seen that hurt look before and even if she does work for Fox News I feel for her.

Was it necessary to use a loaded word like that?

So you use a misogynist slur whiles decrying that you don't want to be painted as a misogynist. Good one bucko

And I don't care that the other guy said it first either.

I don't know why I'm going to do this but oh please tell me how breaking down of gender roles is bad?