Lara Emily

It was great, it was also cool that a villain's plan wasn't the old destroy everything, rule everything, that there wasn't some massive fight. This season was character driven and it ended with a character drama, wonderful stuff.

Easily the best series finale of the Moffat era, probably the best of NuWho. The dynamics between The Mistress and The Doctor were amazing. I loved that her entire plan was based around trying to rebuild her friendship with him but she's so fucking nuts that this was her plan to get him back.

You noticed that too, same two people especially every week saying this sucked this is bullshit fuck this show fuck everything about it I'm never watching it again until next week. It's annoying

I'm 30 and in Acting School and all my classmates are 18-19-20-2, I have no issues spending time with them or relating to them at all.

Sam 100% killed both. Can't imagine that was a coincidence.

And the worst thing is so much of the fandom (and I think even a lot of the writers) really take Dean's side because he's "cool" or whatever. Honestly Sam gets screwed over so much, I'm getting kind of sick of it. I just think Sam is infinitely more nuanced a character then Dean (Dean is hilarious and Jensen is great

I have no idea if im going to like the payoff all i know is I'm curious and intrigued whereas in every 11 series I was almost completely sick of it by the end because the arc had been way too much of the focus.

Meh the red head kid was hillarious to me.

Ha ha ha awesome

Is that a specific reference lol?

I don't think underground is a great idea. Trees probably totes grew all up there and filled it or made it hella unstable

I think that's why I'm not overtly harsh on it. The acting was strong as always and damn did it ever look beautiful.

This was my exact thought throughout . Before I realized the trees were good I was like damn Doctor Who is doing The Happening better than The Happening did The Happening. Then when I caught on the trees were good I was like ha ha ha this is The Un-Happening

I enjoyed this episode a lot. The kid was interesting, the other kids felt like actual children rather than magical precocious machines like kids often are. The concept was interesting (I called the end very early) the commentary on over drugging was nice and the whole thing was gorgeous. Once again we saw some

It's too bad they couldn't get a version of the trailer without the soundtrack laid in so they could use the sfx and dialogue, that was the on;y thing that didn't work for me on this video.

Holy crap that was absolutely amazing. I cried a ton!

And I can criticize it if I want an opinion isn't a get out of criticism free card.

Typical really Sam is soulless or possessed (in completely unfun ways) for ages so that Dean can get proper angst but Dean (who actually gets to be a fun evil and still be a bot of the good guy) oh no we have to get Dean back to normal pronto.

And in true Supernatural fashion they undo an excellent finale hook stupendously early the next season. That's how many times now?

Absolutely. I think this season they're finally letting her be a person rather than a mystery