Lara Emily

I don't know why I'm going to do this but oh please tell me how breaking down of gender roles is bad?

I want to, I have it all, it's just such a huge time investment, and I know it'll be a rough start with having to "watch" a bunch of reconstructions and frozen screens with audio

Well unless they do go down the woman or POC route, then I'll be heartbroken and super fucking jazzed, which will be stupid weird.

I think post Capaldi is the perfect time to bring in a new type of Doctor, be it a person of colour or a woman. Something like that.

That being said Capaldi for ever. It'll be the first regeneration where I'll truly truly be heartbroken.

Clara is my number 2. No one will ever replace Donna. Hell Donna is my fav Doctor too.

I wish we had more Oswin though, that was my fav version of Clara.

Seriously Capaldi is killer, Nine will always be close to my heart (and ten) but my god Twelve is just a class of his own.

You do know they still get their math and history courses right?

Art schools allow young artists to really hone their respective crafts and be surrounded by likewise minded folk. That's the point of those schools.

I like when shitty people make it easy for me to identify them

ohhhh right I forgot that line.

no Mweyer is right. BBC credits the Dwarf actor as Little John

Ha ha ha I totally missed that. I thought it was the big guy. Who was he then?

The Sheriff was just a guy. Not a robot

Yessssssssss so glad someone else noticed that he looks like the guy from Bully like completely identical

Alexander Sidig would make a cool anything. Seriously cast that guy in everything please I need more of him

Yeah as if he ruled based on a fictitious slippery slope and "it's always been this way so why change it". Homophobe ruled homophobically.

Was coming to post exactly this. Beautiful story amazing character

He also basically just loves acting and working, specially since his wife died. He takes just about everything (hence Battleship for example)


Obscure hockey reference for the win. Well done sir!