Sugar Frosted Corn Popes?
Sugar Frosted Corn Popes?
I don’t know if you’ve been looking around, dawggie, but the 90s mall hair thing is alive and well with most 20 year olds and younger.
I respect her decision to look like David Coverdale.
Hey hey hey. While you were writing derisive Tweets and articles about my new album, you could have been getting down to THIS. SICK. BEAT.
When mocking or dissing something, don’t you kind of want to do it with something better, a superior iteration, a good joke, or at least an effective insult? Or alternatively, when appropriating something, take it to a bigger stage at the very least?
I really enjoyed Taylor’s music before I realized how terrible she is. I don’t mean just as an idol but just as someone who completely benefits 100% from white privilege and who uses other cultures without any thought or consideration. If I had to create one image that summed up #notthiswhiteperson, white privilege,…
That song is fucking terrible btw
Rafi from So Let’s Talk About truly committed and rewrote the lyrics to all of Formation:
Rhythmless Nation 2017
The 70s era Wonder Woman airs on Saturday nights on MeTV, so I watch it occasionally. It is silly and cheezy, full of cheesecake, bizarre alien encounters and unnecessary “cute” robots (not to mention all of the different WW costumes - one for swimming! one for motorcycle riding! I think there might have been one for…
On the one hand, Wonder Woman wasn’t a perfect movie and there are definitely ways it could have been made better and/or more feminist.
If you can’t see the difference I’m not gonna bother explaining it to you.
My understanding is that at least half the money Marvel pays Robert Downey Jr is because the man is so passionate while promoting his comic book movies.
Uh...that’s a feminist critique. Discourse isn’t like Sailor Moon; you don’t actually need to call out the name of the move as you’re doing it.
James Cameron is objectively a washed up filmmaker so I’m not sure he’s the best person to be giving commentary anyway (objectively, has he given us a good movie since Titanic?). But that’s beside the point.
As you yourself quoted, she used the term “one blueprint”. This means that there are multiple and all should be available to female characters. There is nothing in her statement in which she denies that Wonder Woman is of a certain template. The point is that, as typical as it may be it’s been monopolised by one…
James seems to have taken a rather large chunk from Joss Whedon’s “How be a ‘Male Feminist’ but secretly still think you’re better than all women” playbook
I think I’ll just look else where for a critique of Feminist Icons and their depictions than James “My blue aliens are as fuckable as possible”Cameron.
I like to imagine Kathryn Bigelow is calling Patty Jenkins for drinks right now.