
I grew up in Cambridge MA. My father and 2 of my brothers went to Harvard and there was a nice young man I used to ride the T with to high school who went to Harvard, though he was all out of lunch money when he got there.

As usual the only lesson to be learned here is that if you tweet you’re wrong.

Generally I won’t take the side of people who were injured as a result of something they signed up for, something they knew could hurt them and something they were getting paid to do. You roll the bones and you take the motherfucking stones.

I’m a white male who has spent 25 years or so in the US military. I’m conservative but have probably voted for more Democrats than Repubs in the last 10 years - I don’t know because I don’t keep track. I just vote for the person I think will do the best job regardless of the letter next to their name. One of my best

I didn’t read the article because I don’t care. Just gonna throw out my 2 cents based on the title; if you spend any of your time being concerned about Kanye, Kim or Taylor you’re a fucking idiot.