
Currently finishing Dragon Age Inquisition. Picked it up last week cheap. Also continuing the Dark Brotherhood dlc in ESO. And I may begin a Red Dead Redemption play through since I got it cheap on the Xbox sale and I haven't played it in years.

Being back Yuji Naka and Team Sonic. Full 2D.

GG asshole

I'm 35 now. I left home when I was 18. Ended up moving back twice for a little over a year, both when I was 21 and again at 27. I only lived alone one year when I was 23. Other than that I've HAD to have a roommate(or 2) to make ends meet. It's only recently in the last 3 years I've been technically on my own, with my

Oh this is normal. As someone who lives in Louisville and leaves every Derby week, this is totally normal. Most people are drunk by 10am. School is out for fucking gambling. And these douches arnt even like the rich snotty douches. This is the in field. Meaning they can't afford seats inside of Churchill Downs. This

Came here to say the same thing! I love both Bill & Ted movies and recently introduced them to my wife who hadn’t seen them. I had totally forgot the “fag” line, as it had been a while since I watched them. We both physically whinced when it happened. Still love the movie. Here's hoping if they make a 3, the line

Thanks to Jason for showing me the world of ROM hacks and fan made games I didn’t know existed, I picked up a cart of Chrono Trigger Crimson Skies and I’m firing up the old SNES. As well as finishing Day Of The Tentacle. Also, in late to the party on Mario Maker, but the wife got it so we’ll be playing that.

This comes off incredibly “gate-keeper-y”. Like you are literally sitting here sounding like “3 hours? Psshh. Get good kid” to a small child. 3 hours is incredibly long to a small child.

Maniac Mansion. I have it on all my PCs, my modded Wii and my tablet. I will fire it up when the urge hits and pick some random combo of kids. Never gets old to me. Was my first real adventure game and the first PC game I beat as a kid. I love the NES version as well.

Thank you. Came to ask this.

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Crying.

And yet almost 4 years later the Wii U VC doesn’t have half the games the Wii VC had. Yes I know I can get them in Wii mode, but come on. All I wanted was Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger. The Japanese store got them. It was such a pain to switch modes constantly I went back to playing a ROM on PC. Nintendo, I’m