
You missed the best part!

I was identified on a website as elderly. I am 38. I was like, great. This person is not only an asshole, she is also completely blind.

Due to a large enough segment of the population falling for the bullshit the Tories spouted Scotland is currently still part of the United Kingdom.

Kinda makes me wish I'd ordered the Cards Against Humanity Black Friday offer esp. if I could have sent it as a gift to Westminster...

If I could have one superpower, I would like to curse like our English speaking friends across the pond. No one says bollocks, or fuck, or shit, or even piss like a Brit, Scot, or Irish person.

For the record, lesbians do NOT order the Semen Latte. We prefer the Pumpkin Spice.

Semen flavours up the coffee, and makes you thinks you're having a good time.

A friend of mine has a similar gig, and she worked at the zoo throughout university, which gave her a bit of a head start in terms of being 'senior' enough to have her pick of openings when openings arise.

She has a biology then zoology degree as well, but the masters work was covered by the zoo just like how other

Pup 681 is like 9 puppy strength level cuteness

i just can't. I'm so thankful my local police department is awesome. On their fb page, they mostly post dogs they find, keys found at the local diner, how cows will not move unless they decide to move (the officers found this out) and they count down the days till winter.

Ah, Texas. Please never change. Someone needs to compete with Florida.

That's mostly because if it's not abuse, it's not newsworthy.

I'd just like to point out it is completely possible to be a rapist without having been convicted in the court of law. Just like how it's completely possible to be a criminal without ever having been convicted due to our not infallible justice system.

For a site that prides itself on empathy, its shocking to hear these responses just because you don't understand them. Calling frat members sociopaths and reducing their motives to power and ego is sick.

Debating on whether I should send a link to this to my sister, who is Wiccan. I figure this would be her reaction...

This pisses me off. My mom is Wiccan and we actually had a Samhain (Wiccan New Year) celebration this weekend. Although I personally am an Atheist, I really respect the religion of Wicca and the people that TRULY follow it and know about it. Wiccans don't believe in the Devil. They believe in a God and a Goddess.

Royal Crown Bags!! That's class.... REAL class!!~

"...I throw 70 miles per hour. That's throwing like a girl!"

I have the gigantic stuffed Ebola and I sleep with it. It makes a great, albeit morbid, hugging pillow.

Seriously, FOF... Fuck off, Finally.