la petite bort

I believe you're referring to "The Big Game"

Natalie Dormer? Is she the one who's disrupting the $13 Billion razor industry?

I think chess generally gets chosen over something like Go because a) western audiences are more familiar with it and b) the pieces in chess have individual "character" associated with them so it's easier to use as a lazy metaphor than the relatively featureless Go.

There's one at the Church Ave F/G station.

I'm certainly no libertarian but in this case the system actually worked; a business overstepped and the public backlash has properly punished them for overreaching. The problem is more when corporations aren't so public in their assholishness.

"Hey, get this dick out of me!"

actually there have been alot of movies made since his accident, this is just the first one he will be in

We won!

seems pretty cool except that i couldn't understand a dang word they said! hope the sound issue is fixed before it comes out!

Pete Carroll: ACTUALLY, Jon, if you take a look at this Youtube video I think you'll find a lot of verrrrrrry interesting information on that particular subject.

is he a bastard who is an executioner or an executor who exclusively executes bastards? i only watched like 5 minutes and they didn't make that very clear, i kept waiting for someone to call someone else a bastard and then see if the bastard either dies or kills someone but that didn't happen.

"Attention budding sketch comedy writers: do you have an idea that's somehow even too shitty for your Youtube channel that has 18 followers? Call me!" - Geico Advertising Dept

i had forgotten about them so thank you for posting this

does anyone know how i could date natalie dormer

Meet the Mulaney that's disrupting the $13 Billion dollar razor industry

I acquire one, then i taste it.

Holy shit, dude.

His name is actually "Warma Estevez" but he took "Warma Sheen" as his stage name.

Ashton Kutcher? The venture capitalist?

so when did you first hear u2