la petite bort


What a horrible night to have a Kickstarter.

That man never burgled a ham in his life!

I don't see the call for capital letter style outrage here, at this point it's pretty well documented what Mayweather is and why he's horrible. You can post something that discusses why he sucks for a variety of reasons, it's not like people are gonna forget that he's a domestic abuser because it's been pointed out

Actually, the CIA made this 80's crack drama pilot to kill off the black screenwriting community

Vaping is still funny.

She wears, like, black clothes now.

Neil "The Grass" Tyson

The problem is those flyover state dumpster pushing jerkoffs are the ones who need to be listening but they're too damn stupid to get it on their Samsung Galaxy S6s

It should be called Silicon Valley because it takes place in a natural geographical depression made entirely out of the element silicon

He didn't ask for it.


thanks i love downtown abby

The best part about how much I spent on that game is that I'm pretty sure I never even beat the first level. It's impressive how easily amused I was.

You're familiar with airplane peanuts, correct?

Cobra will be consulting with the local police in an effort to teach them how to not hit the target when shooting at someone.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love is one of my goto songs, mostly because I pretty much do it like an Elvis song, which it is. If I ever try an actual Queen song somebody should shoot me before I embarrass myself.

I assume they'll be patrolling the mean streets of Broad City? About time, the drug epidemic is out of control over there.