La Patrona

reminds me of when i was a waiter and people would make complicated orders that pissed off me and the kitchen because they “had a gluten allergy” but then i’d see them taking bites of their partner’s food and I’d rush over to tell them — hey, loaded with gluten — and they’d say “oh i’m not actually allergic.”

THANK. YOU. I can’t agree with this enough. The real world doesn’t contain trigger warnings, so kiddos should probably learn to cope with that long before they graduate from college.

I have literally never been in a class where violent rape was discussed where it was not extremely clear from the syllabus and class description.

People with bona fide trigger issues are usually known to the Office of Disabilities. And you’ll be informed. Actual PTSD is something that can need some slack cut, but some random kid complaining of triggers? I went to college - with severe PTSD - and remember too many classmates who’d do anything to screw off. I

Honestly, I’m very happy to hear this about UChicago. Going to college and having my beliefs challenged, my viewpoint altered, and my ideas questioned, made me who I am today. I read work that was brutal, difficult to get through, and haunting, but it changed my life and opened my mind. As a history major, the entire

I now have a disclaimer that we will be discussing challenging topics in class and if they feel they cannot engage in a spirited (but respectful) exchange of ideas in a mature fashion, they are welcome to find another section. ‘Trigger warnings’ vastly disrespect how PTSD and triggers *actually work* (I have PTSD),

Thank you so much for this. I’m a fellow survivor, and truly believe that it is is up to ME to develop ways for coping and living, instead of expecting the world to bend around me. And doing this has made me a stronger person, and has probably helped me heal.

/trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to/

Sadly, I don’t think your meanings align with the expectations of a lot (or at least a loud segment) of certain college students. The concepts were intended as shields, but they’re used as swords now.

And the thing is, when students have real triggers, they are generally ok with letting the professor know.

It’s telling that advocates of trigger warnings never phrase their requests in terms of taking care of people with PTSD, because real PTSD doesn’t work that way. A real trigger could be anything from a familiar-looking room to the sound of typing. It would be impossible to cover every potential trigger in rhetorical

Yeah. People who use the concept of being triggered to their own benefit for things that they don’t want to do kind of pisses me off. I am more than willing to be respectful and accommodate people’s triggers because I know where they’re coming from. But, people who just crying wolf with triggers are making it hard for

Far too sensible. See me after class.

Hey - 1) You don’t have to be american to love watching Simone Biles. 2) We came in second on the gold leaderboard which is a pretty decent result when you consider relative population sizes, there were some very watchable Team GB performances. 3) Most of the olympics was on at 3am here so most people watched that

The World Doesn’t Give Fuck One About My Feelings - a novel by me.

As the Jezebel write-up touched upon, trigger warnings and safe spaces have been skewed into near-unrecognizability from both sides, including people in favor of them. While I think both are important, and should be defined properly (as you did) and provided in those correct definitions, there are students who

Regarding trigger warnings in classes in particular: I have an old friend from college who now teaches women and gender studies at a top tier university. She’s a WOC and millenial and though I’m not sure if she offers trigger warnings for her classes now, she was always of the mindframe “Read the damn syllabus because

Just to defend our TV viewing habits as a nation, most of the notable parts of the Olympics were on at 3am or thereabouts (GMT) because of the time difference. If it had been earlier, it would have beaten the Cake-Off, because most of us were enthralled by it.

You said 4 twice. I even saw it over my monster engagement ring. That cost $49 because it’s sterling silver and tanzanite.

Whoops! Your misogyny is showing!