La Patrona

Data-loving trying-to-conceive scientist (not health-related) checking in. If you don’t live in a high-poverty, high-density area with no AC or window screens, you’re way more likely to have a baby with anencephaly, spina bifida, encepholocele, or literally any other known “birth defect” than with microcephaly caused

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

If you think that the headline VILIFIES her by simply stating she had an abortion at 32 weeks, then you are *not* pro-choice my friend. Try again.

Did you click on the article thinking it would be about someone aborting a healthy fetus at 32 weeks because they didn't want a baby? And that's why you're so upset? Not everyone made that assumption, I read the headline and assumed the pregnancy wasn't viable, and wondered why it took so long to find that out

While what her jackass boss did is not a HIPPA violation, in some states (like mine CA) it is a major legal violation and there are massive reprocussions, up to and including termination. Now I am only familiar with CA law which are some of the strictest in the country, I’m not sure what NY labor laws and privacy laws

The headline is bare-bones-absolutely-factual. You chose to read into it and you chose to jump all over Jia.

She had an abortion for the same reason any woman has an abortion: her own, personal, private reason. Her abortion “reason” is as unhorrifying as anybody’s abortion reason. That’s why you were told to fuck off.

“How about asking me what I meant before you judge me”

Title: Interview With a Woman Who Recently Had an Abortion at 32 Weeks

Well it was a stupid fucking comment.

PLEASE fuck off

The fact that you think calling an abortion an abortion at 32 weeks is disrespectful is something for you to work on, not Jia.

She understood exactly what you meant. This woman you’re not judging, but other women who get late term abortions are. But this is a typical late term abortion.

“How about asking me what I meant before you judge me”

the VAST majority of late-term abortions are for exactly these reasons. you were horrified by your own ignorant assumptions, and that’s on you.

I’m curious how you were mislead, the title explains exactly what goes on in the article. Any inference about what that meant when you first saw it was entirely of your own design. You didn’t say the interview subject deserves respect. You told an author to change the title of an article she wrote that you didn’t like

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

That’s what you chose to focus on here?

Compared to doing nothing at all sure