La Patrona

I am going to split hairs with you on that one, largely because I genuinely believe Lin is doing everything he can to get his show out fairly, he does not control the ticket prices, the producer does, and the show is consistently sold out so even if tickets were in the $200 dollar range they would STILL be sold out

Art should be accessible to the general public at any level at a fair price.

I honestly do not understand the people who feel personally victimized by these ticket prices.

Cry it out FTW. It took one night for each kid and then they slept fine. No regrets.

Haha yep... I was kind of worried about mentioning it because it almost sounds like they’re visibly lumpy, like a bag of rocks haha. But nope, totally normal. I was glad to get the sonogram though, just to make sure all my lumpy tissue was okay!

Actually, that’s most non-pregnant women in more of the world. It’s just Americans who have this obsession with having doctors look at their bajingos every year. Everyone else just goes when there’s actually a problem.

Naw, it’s really easy to understand. Guy beats on wife, wife calls files for divorce, guy’s friends and family rush to excuse bad behavior.

I got that. I’m not arguing about WHERE you find the brush, I’m just saying even in that aisle/store got different types of brushes/combs there, not just some generically labelled. African American brush. C’mon now, YOU know this...

I buy talent often and this is actually an extremely tame rider...

As an African American male myself, I’m well aware that there are several different styles of brushes available, and many are not appropriate for my hair. As someone who worked in retail for a while, I also know that the term “ethnic” is an actual industry term to refer to specific hair care and beauty products

So if you get him 13 grain bread, and he sees 17 grain bread in the store when he stops to return two cases of Gatorade for cash, is it too late for him to claim violation of contract?

That’s coconut water. I’m trying to figure out what cocunut water is.

As an African American male, I’ve never had to use a special “African American” brush. My hair didn’t seem to mind.

This is probably Ludacris’s boilerplate contract ride for when he tours. A lot of bands ask for stuff like toiletries and clean underwear when they tour, because, being on a bus and going directly from show to show, the venues are often the only chance they have to shower for long stretches between hotel stays.

Thanks for making a burner account to just tell us this important information.

Its probably the only way his cognac has any sales. Here is a true story, which alerted me to the absolute farce that is journalism and journalistic ethics in the US of A. My trade association hired a prominent asshole journalist to speak at an event (he is a libertarian-type asshole). It would have been improper for

Few things in his professional life have bothered him more than providing a box of condoms and a couple of bottles of booze as part of concert rider? This is one of the things that vexes him the most in a long career in college athletics? He must have led a pretty amazingly drama-free life up to this point.

I bought a flowy white skirt from Target years ago and first time I wore it out I spilled Diet Coke all over myself in the car. I grabbed a napkin and like magic all the Diet Coke slid off the skirt. I didn't read the tag so I sat there stunned for a minute wondering what kinda voodoo I just pulled till my husband

I feel like hanging out with Reese and Shailene would be like the social equivalent of having to watch a yogurt commercial where a woman is giggling and lounging all over on repeat for like 3 hours and they’d for sure ask you if you thought you should really be having another when you desperately try to flag down the

If you were the inventor of email - you would have invented email.