No one would discriminate against PJ James!
No one would discriminate against PJ James!
I really like it as a name, too.
I have a Golden in my family! Mr Golden Bridge! It's totally the name of a yoga place I used to go by on my way to work, too.
Is it perhaps just people using grandparents' names? I was thinking recently how much I like all my grandparents' and abuelos-in-laws' names for potential future kiddos.
It could be totally real. I bet they used some sort of clever computer thing to pull out all the names that only got given once during the year… and there's one unfortunate baby Pheonix out there.
Ream surely is the result of someone getting drunk while watching TOWIE?
Ironically inappropriate names are brilliant. I LOVE that my very, very, very dark-haired friend has the surname Rubio.
Yes! I love those. My mum knew a little Marvellous Victory once (first name Marvellous, middle name Victory).
I know a Valkyrie, too!
I don't know if I should tell you this… but I was in a public place surrounded by families recently and the only two kids being naughty enough to get shouted at THE WHOLE TIME were BOTH Harrisons. "Harrison! Stop doing that!" "Harrison! Please, please get down…" "Harrison! YOU'RE HURTING MUMMY! YOU'RE HURTING MUMMY!"
The first boy I ever fancied was named Magnus. Ah, Norwegians…
Hello! Yes! West Hampstead.
YES. I loved that feature (or series of features). And I totally started out going "Wait, like the water???" and then within about two minutes realised that actually there was nothing weird about that at all.
YES. In the past I've had super-duper mega anxiety about a few things… and if that meant I couldn't do something, I had to just deal with the consequences of that. I didn't try to make other people bend to my personal anxiety.
When I got to that part I laughed aloud!
<shudder> I agree. I really enjoyed Sherlock and am looking forward to the new episodes very much, but I seriously don't want to admit that publicly in case people think I'm some sort of obsessive lunatic.
I think I read something before about how Knightley being cast worried people that her role might be bigger than one might hope, but that could well be wrong. I hope so!
According to other reports, they're definitely not "straightening" Turing, which I hope is true.
I would like to add my anectodal suggestion that couples in which one is on meth and the other isn't may also face problems.
I love this new knowledge! We watched "Geordie Racer" when I was little, but until "Geordie Shore" came along that was pretty much the limit of this Essex girl's Geordie education.