La Patrona

I don't think I've ever paid attention to the red ones, but it was a BIG DEAL when blue Smarties were added in the 80s. I was really young but I remember being very excited.

I'm pretty convinced the the fantastical underworld thing is true. It's just not the non-fantastical underworld I visit every day.



I think it's a really interesting initiative to raise the issue, so I'm actually quite glad to learn that it's approved of officially!

Ooh, it sounds like we have the same Smarties. Is their slogan "Only Smarties have the answer" there, too?

It never occurred to me when I was there that THERE WERE NO SMARTIES, but now I'm retroactively horrified.

I'm now thinking of them as "my Smarties", which is brilliant.

Thank you for the info; very interesting.

I realise this is MASSIVELY missing the point, but at least this story confused me enough to research what Smarties are in the US — and they're what we call Swizzles Fizzers! And our Smarties are your… well, they're like all-chocolate M&Ms except much better!

Isn't this just "four cinemas that happen to be in Sweden introduce new movie rating system"? It doesn't seem to be any sort of official thing, does it?

I miss Mexican coke so much! I like English coke better than AmericN coke, but Mexican coke's better.

It's driving me mental! All I can remember was that it was SO TOTALLY TRUE and I really, really needed to point it out to people.

OH MY GOD you've just reminded me that recently someone was pointing out how much someone (not Tom Hiddleston) looks like Gary Oldman, and it was somehow SO TRUE that I needed to tell people about this fascinating revelation… and now I can't remember who.

This is wonderful! I love it!

I recently gained a Spanish surname, and someone I know in California actually emailed me out of the blue to tell me I should change it back because I'd "never be taken seriously anymore" — apparently people responded to her completely differently once she changed her Spanish maiden name to something more "white"

That is a GLORIOUS name.

I'm lucky that I was super internet-ally active when I had a relatively common name… and now I have a unique (as far as I know) name and love that I'm easily googleable!

Ooh, I didn't know that about Tyrone. I always assumed it was Irish; now I'm off to research the place name's origins! Exciting! (It's half-past midnight, and I'm genuinely excited to research place names. What's wrong with me?)

Ha, if anyone ever told me to wear make up to look professional, they'd definitely not be someone I want to work with! I really can't be doing with it all.