La Patrona

I'm all in favour of the "I'm thinking hard about what you've just said" head tilt!

I found that interesting because I'd never thought about it before, but after considering it for a second I realised that for me personally, the head tilt is an "I'm contemplating/thinking" pose while a straight-up head is much more "I've already thought about this plenty and now I'm telling you something I'm sure

I do agree; it's not fair that women should have it harder, but seeing as they often do it's good to hear from a woman who's learnt from it. I've found I naturally stopped doing the annoying nervous-giggle thing with which I used to pepper my speech at work (because speaking at work made me nervous) because I just got

Good; I thought so! I lived there for ages and never heard anyone say it; apparently I avoided Robin Thicke and his dang-saying ilk.

I admit that my non-American-ness is contributing to my reaction here, but that quote is just HILARIOUS to me. I haven't ever met anyone who says "dang" or "pops" so I'm hearing it as some sort of 1950s cartoon.


I felt like every other bloke in Los Angeles was named Bobby when I moved there, so I'm surprised there wasn't more Robert dominance. MAYBE THEY WERE ALL CALLED MICHAEL AND LYING!

Me neither!

I'm quite surprised at it myself, actually! With my ex, we totally did the whole tell-all bit, and at the time I thought that was the best thing ever. But then with my husband, it just sort of never came up, and then once I realised it had never come up I was fine with it and never felt a need to bring it up.

Ha, it never occurred to me that Lisa's a name, too!

I have a friend whose parents were like this! When her mum was having surgery, she begged the surgeon to let her at least have lipstick on, and he let her. Funnily enough, if they were young I'd think "ugh, that poor woman!" but because they were really elderly by then I found it very touching.

I've never discussed sexual history with my husband; I like it a lot better this way. We both had lives before we met, and we're both ok with that.

I've found it varies a lot. My ex boyfriend and I had a mega full-disclosure sexual history conversation while we were still just friends (but totally had the unspoken we're-definitely-on-the-verge-of-dating thing going on), but my husband and I have never talked about it at all; I have no idea how many people he's

I always assumed the same, but people have told me it's totally impossible for them to not do it all the time. I suppose I'm just lucky on that front!

I never do and didn't yet, but now I've read these comments I am totally going to click it right now, at my desk, at work.

I went in a very different direction so now it's not really an option, but perhaps one day it'll happen!

I know what you mean about spending that much, but now I'm long past my student days and I still do have all the (very few) things that I splurged on back when I was ridiculously broke, and they mean a lot to me — not so much in the "it's fancy, yay!" way but definitely in a "this was my first grown-up purchase,

My mum had a student named Marvellous Victory, which is my favourite name of all time.

Oh, I quite like that!

I was a teenager when the IRA broke their ceasefire with the Docklands bomb and everything in the house shook, and I was with my friend babysitting her zillion baby siblings and we were so freaked out; we just put the news on and waited to find out what it was. After that I worked in a big shopping centre and had all