La Patrona

Oh, good job on leaving. My ex left me to go back to *his* ex (I wasn't on any drugs which made him feel guilty; she had an even bigger meth habit than him) and I just begged him to come back and spend time with me even though he was mostly with her. I'd been trying to "help" him for years and he always said that he

This is the third comment I've seen from you on it so they are being posted (but it's still in my word top ten; sorry).


It improved my day no end!

Yeah, and the "where she also bought her blouse" bit made me spit coke. Brilliant. And so catchy!

That is way too catchy.

I can definitely believe that. I recently had someone make me so rageful that I very temporarily felt spectacularly violent, and it was disturbing how instantly creative I was about it — I was drinking a milkshake at the time and started screaming about wanting to stab her through the eye with my straw. In an entirely

Yes, yes, yes. I had a boyfriend who was on meth for three years (I mean, I had the boyfriend for three years; he was on meth for longer) and it was not a good situation for anyone. It scared me.

I think I'm really lucky that when I needed serious painkillers I threw up so much that I couldn't take them. I was previously in the habit of taking codeine for even the smallest headache and it was a bit scary, so I'm glad the stronger pills were too much for my stomach.

Exactly. She sounds brilliant.

I spend four hours most days commuting, so I am big on books! I will read. Exciting.

I haven't read any of the books or seen the film, but I think I might start reading tomorrow. This sounds fascinating.

I'm not knowledgeable about Hunger Games at all, but now I want to be, based purely on this.

My friend's kid looked like he was half elf, half shark. He got really cute by about nine months, but initially he was just fucking weird.

I quite often photograph young babies and every word you say is true.

I've been wondering about this. I've changed my name recently and my new one is apparently really exotic-in-a-good-way in my home country but very illegal-immigrant-go-home in the US. Of course, I wouldn't want to deal with anyone who would judge me on my name, but perhaps that's impossible to avoid. It's a totally

I think that's what bugged me about it — the assumption that I must be a Mrs Madame rather than a Miss Mademoiselle based on age, when could easily have been Madam at 16 or might still be Miss at 90. I think it's the assumption that I should be married that annoyed me. (So I annoyed everyone who insisted on calling me

I've been wondering about this. I've changed my name recently and my new one is apparently really exotic-in-a-good-way in my home country but very illegal-immigrant-go-home in the US. Of course, I wouldn't want to deal with anyone who would judge me on my name, but perhaps that's impossible to avoid. It's a totally

I was wretchedly correct and told people off for calling me "ma'am" in America or "madam" in England when I wasn't married.

I do love miss and mrs, and am glad ms exists for those who'd prefer it. Let's keep 'em all! Options, glorious options!