La Patrona


The shoes are the only bit I don't like. The rest cracks me up.

I love it too. And I think the content's fun and amusing, so I don't even feel slightly guilty. It just doesn't feel creepy to me at all — I realise that's massively subjective, but it's like how one bloke chatting me up might be hilarious and another saying the exact same thing might be creepy. To me, this song's on

I think I'be decided I don't care what nonsense singers say about their songs… I really like this song and I think it's fun and enjoyable, just like sometimes blokes trying really hard to chat me up can be fun and enjoyable and then after I move in and don't needs to hear their analysis of the whole thing, you know?

It's SO VERY GOOD. I think that song is perfect.

Oh my God, I need to start my life over and do it right. I'm 31 and make 2.5x less than interns. And my rent is free because I have to stay at my parents' house because my husband and I can't afford to rent anything in town. Bloody hell.

I need to figure out how to stop the impulse purchases, too. I've never been well off but now I'm pretty broke (low income, unemployed husband, still paying off immigration costs, insanely expensive commute, etc) BUT surrounded by well-off people in my professional and personal life. I'm so aware that they have so

I'm not bothered by feet at all in general but just like some of the other bits you mentioned being generally tolerated ("asses, boobs, guts") I sometimes don't want to see too much of them… there's someone in my work neighbourhood who's often barefoot in local coffee shops and even though I know his bare feet totally

I've never known Americans to wear shoes in their own homes.

I once almost dated a foot fetishist – we had mutual friends who apparently noted my feet and decided they should introduce us. I didn't end up going out with him (beacause I was in a general not-going-out-with-anyone-ever phase) but I sort of wish I had, just so I could see what it's like to have someone be really,

Me too. I'm irrationally proud of how my toes all line up perfectly. (My irrational pride is possibly proportionate to my sister's hatred of her "deformed" feet – her word.)

I had no idea what they were so I just Googled… bloody hell.

Yep. I don't want to leave London because we just moved here but God, it's insanely expensive.

Yep. There is no way I can afford to buy here in London (or back in Los Angeles).

No, my cutesy Asian girl friend's go-to pose was the fuck-off way, not the peace way! I looked at the Miley picture, which reminded me of my friend. I do definitely know the difference.

As are mine! I'm English but moved to the US, then moved back to London, then got married in California, then got a double-barrelled name so I had to change it by deed poll: some things can't be updated without going TO ANOTHER CONTINENT in person, I have to keep travelling for work so I don't have time to get a new

I totally didn't know who Zara Tindall was for a second; I thought she kept her maiden name. Anyway, hurray for another future rugby/equestrian star.

Ha! Where I come from it's very much an insult! (My family tell me I've "gone all posh", which I definitely haven't.)

I think mine was about 2000, too — but that's because I'd just moved into the city and had access to salons. I don't think I'd seen the show back then.

Ugh, the razor burn! I experimented when I was young, and there was no way I was ever going to be happy shaving. I'm totally with you on that.