La Patrona

It really wasn't the film I expected it to be. I watched it alone on a plane, purely because I'd already watched the films I wanted to see and my sister had told me she watched MM on her flight and accidentally paused it on a close of up someone's arse when she went to the loo — in my slightly drunken/drugged state,

I love that one. It takes skill to agree with someone while still annoying them.

"Cheeky" nowadays is fucking awful in every possible way. People keep using it to mean… actually, I don't even know what they want it to mean. Instead of going for a drink, people go for a "cheeky drink" — I think it's supposed to suggest an air of naughtiness. I hate it with a passion.

All those get-out-clause phrases are annoying — a common one in my part of England when I was growing up was, "I'm not being funny, but…" with funny meaning weird-funny not haha-funny. I remember as a child wanting to smack adults for being so nonsensical. The other vile one was, "I'm just saying!" — apparently "just

Oh, God, yes. The standalone "quite" means DEATH.

Yes. I like to use "that's okay" to mean "I'm not taking action now because I'm biding my time until my plot against you has been fully formulated." (Actually, though, quite often I never get to the "that's okay" point because I skip straight to "No, why on earth would you think I would bail you out?")

I had completely the same mini culture shock moving from London to LA. I thought everyone wanted to be my best friend at first, then I realised they were all just massively over polite. Such trickery.

Usually when northerners tell me how blunt they are, I give them a blunt southern reply!

And lots of England too!

I don't know, many Americans found my accent charming until it started going American, and I'm far from proper.

One thing I love about London (and I think it's the same in New York) is that here *both* happen regularly: sometimes we say "Oh, I'm sorry" to mean "fuck you" and sometimes we say "fuck you" to mean "fuck you".

All three of those are brilliant and I will henceforth say "God bless you" as often as possible.

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but… the merest mention of American "gravy" fills me with dread. To this day, I can't get past the *thought* of "biscuits and gravy", let alone looking at it or — shudder — trying it. To me, biscuits and gravy sounds like what I suppose an American might call "cookies and meat juice".

I've never known adults to eat waffles but I practically lived on them as a child. Now I'm craving them.


Looking at these makes me so scared I feel dizzy and nauseated and had to stop looking — I really want to have a kid or two but I feel so totally horrified when I think about losing control of my body that I don't now how I will ever be able to, which makes me really sad. I've felt like this for probably 15 years or

Because somehow Jezebel knows about the time I saw TI and was astounded by how unexpectedly attractive I found him, despite the fact that his hat was balancing on his head at such an improbable angle that I couldn't keep from laughing?

100% agreed. I was thinking of the club situation myself, too: the women flirting and making the men think they're on to a winner, and in the end everyone goes home separately but it was quite fun for an hour or so… those days were fun, and this video is fun (for me).

I love it! And am not ashamed!

I really love this video, and I think the women are hilarious. I totally thought it was an amusing take on men thinking they're super hot and women pretending to go along with it for fun… it actually didn't occur to me that anyone would read it any other way (I am naive).