La Patrona

I totally get that. I have a tiny family and also just generally spend a lot of time being quiet/living by myself/doing my own thing… much as I love lots and lots of other people, having a ton of them around me all at once for prolonged periods of time freaks me out. My own parents freak me out from the other side of

THANK YOU. "E is for envelope", etc.

That's really interesting; I'm supposed to get a bunch of massages to lessen the general rubbishness of my shoulders/neck (there's nothing really wrong with them, they're just sort of vaguely not very good at existing) so when I get around to doing that I'll keep an eye out for a difference. Thank you!

He's so excited that his forehead has gone very orange!

My dad calls the end slices "the knobbies".

In all seriousness, every time I fly Virgin I try to memorise the regulation make up and then do it myself at home. I was once at the US embassy and a gaggle of girls walked in with the make up and I knew immediately they were VA cabin crew. I love it.

I don't think I've ever seen a Virgin stewardess without 'em!

Eva Sara is gorgeous.

This is brilliant; thank you!

Hmm… my neck and shoulders are always ridiculously tight (masseurs always ask me about it) but I never have any jaw/teeth probs. I've always assumed the neck-line thing for me came from looking down at books/computers all the time, but if there might be something else I hadn't thought of, I'd definitely love to find

Absolutely. Plus, it can definitely change (subtly or not) how people act towards you, and that can make a huge difference to a developing personality. Emerald is such a great name; you and my friend made an excellent choice for your mini Ems.

I also need to know that, for my own hair.

How do the pros actually figure out the bra size? Until I can go and get fitted, I'd love to figure it out, roughly, myself, because I've got bras that are 32s, 34s and 36s, in a similarly ridiculous array of cup sizes. I've been on a bunch of websites today and some say the band size is the actual measurement itself

Sorry, wrong comment replied to!

To use your example, in my husband's Californian accent it sounds like "Marrrrrrrrrrrrr-ch"… my surname ends in "ar", too, and the same thing happens to my name when I'm in the US, too and it sounds so odd to me. (Of course, when I tell Americans my surname I always have to spell it even though it's not unusual at

Those are amazing!

I would love that! No child of mine can have a name with an "ar" or "er" or "or" sound because it'll sound so weird to me when pronounced by the Californian side of the family.

Ha, I have kind of the opposite problem — when I think of any name I like that has an "ar" or "er" or "or" sound in it, I have to consider how the American side of the family would pronounce it, and American "r"s sound so odd to me that I'd have to veto all those names!

Were they really considering that? It's THE BEST NAME EVER.

Just go with exceptionally long!