
I was with you all the way, untill you handed the Russians the continent I live on.

Seasons and seasons worth of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books are RIGHT THERE. Brimming with dragons, never been adapted as far as I know, soapy plotlines, wildly varying quality so script writers can really sink their teeth in and not too many nerds will get angry. It’s perfect.


They are saying that to contain the information in a few 100 electrons requires more storage than the atoms in our universe can provide. Realize that a speck of dust contains WAY more electrons than a few 100.

It filters out innocent bugs, that otherwise would have needlessly died and blemished the infinite karma of the wise and merciful Seagal.

I agree with the characters. It’s a pretty dull and uninspired design, in my opinion, and obviously has seen better days. But that is part of the charm for me.

I don’t understand the fake account. The one comment I’ve seen of it, seemed pretty reasonable. Is it some sort of long con? Will it spiral slowly out of control? Will anybody notice in this wasteland of a community?

I’m still not sure if that was a gimmick account or a very deranged person.

Real housewives of Dorne.

As much as I hate Trump and am loathe to defend someone who is defending him, if we’re perfectly honest the Trump quote is taken out of context in the article as well.

Wow. Bomb SOUTH Korea. I’m not saying he won’t do it, but that would be a bold move.

On the one hand, you are right. On the other hand, this is how headlines work. It took me a long time to get used to the way English (or just American?) headlines use just a comma instead of ‘and’ in a clause with two parts.

Cue the newest British billion £ warships that break down in warm water. Like, you know, the Persian Gulf.

Interesting article. But where it goes wrong I think (if I’m not misunderstanding) is that it takes the $200k cost of a college education in the US as a given. That inflated cost of education is the first you should try to combat, then it becomes less important whether the government springs for it or not. And a lot

There was a whole article about making perfect carbonara on this very site. You don’t have to let the pasta cool, but you add the pasta to the egg mixture, not the other way round.

My own take on spaghetti bolognese. It takes a long time too cook, but it’s a stress free process and the end result has such an intense, concentrated flavor, one pan of sauce can easily make 12+ meals of pasta. And the sauce freezes very well, so usually I freeze half, eat spaghetti three times that week, unfreeze

Tulip fever, or what I call the 17th century bitcoin.

Late reply, but I live in the Netherlands. Most ‘Chinese’ restaurants here were started by people moving here from Indonesia in and shortly after colonial times. The standard menu these restaurants serve is not really Chinese and not really Indonesian, but something geared to the palates of Dutch people in the 50's.

I will just have to try it all.

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