Laotreus Jacksonius

I was thinking, "you mean like the Elephant Man?" but then I realized that he was a different hideously deformed man in Mask with Cher…

Fun fact: when Tagomi gets his mementos out of the closet, the box for his medal says that it is from the Second Sino-Japanese War (支那事変従軍記章, literally "China Incident")1937-1945, but the medal inside was for the invasion of Manchuria (昭和六年乃至九年事変従軍記章)literally "Incident of the 6th to 9th years of the reign of Emperor

As a non-native Japanese speaker and resident of Japan, though, I can say that most of the non-Japanese actors in Japanese roles (Kido, various order-barking soldiers, etc.) definitely don't come across as native speakers. For the foot soldiers, I tell myself that they must be Korean or Taiwanese conscripts, or hell,