You REALLY have to be an asshole to get me to side with the ad agency.
You REALLY have to be an asshole to get me to side with the ad agency.
It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women…
Yep. Of all the white people I have met in my 28 years of life, the percentage of them who ask me to “talk Jamaican/speak Jamaican/say something in Jamaican etc.” after learning I’m from Jamaica hovers somewhere around 65 percent. I wish I were joking.
This is actually incredibly common for smaller brands who find themselves with surprise hit (ETA: Kate bought this dress off the rack—Issa didn’t know about it until pics hit the news; this was not a commission). If you have a ton of people who want to place orders, yet you have no way to fill those orders because you…
“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”
Also, and I’m only half joking here, since when have white men ever asked if they were welcome before barging in on something?
Hollywood is especially tough on our Asian American actors and actresses. It’s really unfair.
Um. This was rape. Nothing any lawyer says can make that not true, it is clear cut. Secondly, of course it was racially motivated, because who the fuck knows what a “Ku Klux Klan” song is? Third, yes, he was targeted for being “vulnerable” and that vulnerability is intersectional: he is both black and disabled. Black…
Nixon was in the same boat in 1960. He made the right choice and she will (has) too.
If you Jezzies haven’t watched Fleabag yet GET ON IT. I laughed, I cried, I died. People tell me that “No offense but” I remind them of her. None taken, I assure you!
Oh god, my FB memories just recently showed me a post I made about what an apocalyptic nightmare scenario a Romney presidency would be. I want to find a time machine and go pat my past self on my little head and tell myself “oh just you wait my precious, naive little flower. Just you wait”.
If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.
Between this and this
Yes. Said as a white person. This is a white people thing. White people did this. This is on white people and only white people. Hillary Clinton could have been the world’s most inspiring candidate and it would not have mattered. White people wanted Trump. And got him.
I’m an American of Mexican blood. I woke up at 4 am, saw results and seriously wept. Like heaving, sobbing, whimpering. It’s not so much Trump being president, it’s that I always pictured America as the shining city on the hill, the idealist country, filled with intelligence and freedom and decency. It is so…
This is about whiteness more than anything else. I am so angry right now. I am that fucking trope today. America your history has failed me and now your future has, too.
There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.
This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.
1. What damaging stuff? If you’re gonna try to troll, do it competently, okay?