
The PS4 and the Xbox One are 1.8 TFLOPS (I think) and the Neo is rumored to be 4 Teraflops and the Scorpio is 6 teraflops. Both are significant upgrades, and the Scorpio does come out ahead, but to say that the Neo is just a small upgrade is just wrong

“A little extra work.” You know nothing about game development, do you?

And isn’t the Scorpio a 4K Xbox One? The Neo, the NX and the Scorpio are all substantial upgrades.

Well, they can’t just stay put if their competitor releases a console and they do nothing

Nintendo and Sony have already confirmed their next consoles(not incremental), and they are going to be announced and launched soon...

The grass is always greener on the other side. Where are you going to go, PC? Games are cheaper, a lot cheaper. But don’t fall into the trap that you don’t have to upgrade. As the years pile on, you would have to play at lower quality settings or upgrade your card. That’s the same as having an Xbox One and playing

As a matter of fact, according to reports, you can’t make an exclusive Playstation Neo only game. You have to support the PS4. I don’t know about Microsoft, but Sony is taking the same path you are suggesting

They won’t be changing it, even if they wanted to. Developing a game takes years, and is not an industry where last minute changes to the game take place (Except bug fixes and the like).

Uhh, the game hasn’t released yet, so I don’t know what you are talking about. There’s no “well received”. No inflating the sales. Sure, they bundled the game in to increase sales, but not because sales were already down. The sales haven’t even begun yet. People have been disliking the trailer left and right, but when