
Never crossed paths with the Southern Baptist Convention, I take it?

I used to be part of a big bunch of people that split into two D&D groups; we were both running Eberron 3.5, and every so often the DMs would arrange for the two groups to meet up in-game and play together. It was insanely complicated and a lot of fun.

The Demon Cockhorse of Denver International Airport shall wreak his vengeance on you tonight in your dreams.

I identify with Awkward Fat Dude. Ineffectual attempt to do the right thing, hindered by general incompetence and lack of preparedness.

I am in my mid-thirties and my mother still sends me care packages. They have some of the same stuff she sent when I was eighteen and away at school (random food items from clearance at Big Lots), but now, also, cat toys, and candy for my students when I’m teaching.


I want to go to this on my period and just walk around naked and menstrual-device-free the whole time, with blood clots slowly tracking their way down my legs like slaughterhouse slugs. All stinking of rot and copper, leaving a congealing trail behind me, and greasy, stained spots on the places I sit.

Well, remember that they’re stealing from a lot of American Indian stuff. If you’re, say, Choctaw, then “little people” is a pretty common Anglicized term for a couple of different legendary/supernatural figures .

I’ve always liked:

“Men, stop acting like animals,” she concludes.

I don’t think it’s any dumber than rewriting Spock as apparently being unable to keep his hands off Uhura.

Alice Walker must be pissed.

Don’t forget, “Why give the part of a gay man to a straight one?”

Martin Mull is a national treasure, and the fact that he was in “Dads” shouldn’t be held against him.

“Well, honey, your father and I just want to make sure that if you get raped, you get cancer, too. It’s how we show love.”

Judge got it right. Cote got it wrong.

I assumed the judge had screwed up, but, no, he got it “right” and it’s just this article that has the mistake. Also, “hinderance” should be “hindrance.”

Ah, the days of Car Talk and their long-suffering legal representation: Dewey, Cheatham & Howe.

It already looks . . . blurry. Like, I have an eighteen-year-old tattoo that’s never been touched up, and the colors have softened (and I think it’ looks better that way than when it was fresh).

Kara Brown: