I feel like Bitch and Animal already did the ideal religion/marijuana song:
I feel like Bitch and Animal already did the ideal religion/marijuana song:
I’d be okay if they didn’t serve a single day in jail. Let ‘em stay free and run their stupid business.
It sounds like you have some of the details wrong.
I love horror movies, and I now feel challenged to seek this one out to see what I think for myself.
I am a (university-level) instructor. I have a sign on my office wall that says, “The beatings will continue until morale improves” because my mother loves sending me dumb shit like that. Are you going to take that as a genuine sign of my wish to harm my students, Helen Lovejoy?
I guess it was finally just time to bring in da Noyes.
I am not sure I understand just what the fuck happened in that movie, but I know I liked it.
See, what I keep thinking is of just how . . . bad Jackson always appeared to be at everyday things. Like, I can’t imagine him figuring out negotiating the Internet well enough to find this stuff.
This foreman was a guy who never saw himself, still doesn’t see himself as a victim. He literally didn’t think about it when he was being interviewed, and was horrified when the verdict was disqualified because of him.
Do I have a definable relationship to my half-brother’s maternal grandmother? She was a way better grandmother than either of the ones related by blood.
Oh, no, she decided to send her child to a private Christian school in Texas. How could this ever have happened.
“It’s a wee tit nipply, we’d breast get inside.”
My folks’ financial advisor (who has, by default, become mine) sort of lost his shit the last time I talked to him, saying that his fifteen-year-old daughter had been sharing naked pictures of herself on the Internet and he didn’t know how to handle it. Apparently her (twin) brother went all HAM on her, screaming at…
It should be noted that Baylor is not generically “Christian.” It is a Baptist university, and their standards are Baptist.
I hate PETA from a decade of teaching college freshmen entry-level composition and research. They are such inveterate liars, and animal rights supporting 18-year-olds are so lazy, that I ultimately had to make a special notation in my assignments that PETA is not considered a primary source and is not allowed to be…
His ongoing fantasies about his daughters having big, strong men jump into their foxholes makes me think that Cruz slips into his kids’ beds every night and slides his fingers right up to the spot where he says, “Never forget this belongs to daddy.”
Out of curiosity, have you seen Simply Plimpton? It’s a totally bonkers Youtube series that I believe only exists because the main actor bears a passing resemblance to Martha Plimpton, and I kind of love it, even though its fictional version of her is a self-absorbed nutjob.