
Just call me Captain Obvious.  

Everybody has their own limits of what level of racism trips your ‘fuck that guy forever’ trigger. Claiming you saw Muslims dancing on rooftops on 9/11 is way past that line. No, you didn’t, because that didn’t happen. You are telling lies to slur innocent people to justify oppressing them by law.

“You must milk this cat!”

Turns out Westeros is really just Pern and all the people on it are from a crashed spaceship 

James Gunn:


His military guy in Kong:Skull Island was just...offbeat. I got a real kick out of him in that role.

If you don’t want to be known for saying something, don’t say it on stage. 

I guess I’d dispute a couple of small points, not that they necessarily matter: I don’t know that Lam himself was “increasingly bored with violence and crime” (maybe he was), but his films in the mid-to-late 90s are probably better described as simply being “more cautious” given that the amount of product HK cinema

I think Rush has an answer for that scenario.

Hard Eight or Magnolia would better illustrate your point IMO.

They already both played Peter Venkman, after all.

It’s not really necessary for you to pretend like people didn’t enjoy Depp in this role for many, many years. You aren’t fooling anyone by trying.

Sherlock got so stupid by the end.

You and I cannot be friends. Ever.

I used to listen to that soundtrack like it was a goddam pop album when I was a kid. I know every second of it.

Star Wars, too. I think John Williams was one of the first behind-the-scenes people I knew of and had a distinct preference for.

Completely disagree that “Catch Me If You Can” didn’t have a stand-out action/suspense sequence. Frank’s escape at the Miami airport is absolute brilliance on par with anything on the list. Most impressive, to me, is how seamlessly the POV moves from Frank, spotting all these little clues that tip him off to what’s

Great moment in me history: I too saw Jurassic Park opening night, in a palace of a standalone theater with many hundreds of others. Our heroes arrive at the T-Rex paddock as the setting turns dark and rainy; no T-Rex. Audience is rapt. Control room brings on the goat. I burst out with “That’s not a Tyrranosaur!”


Club Obi-Wan?