Lani Parker

True, but he will be in a good bargaining position for the dragon glass, I think. And we have to keep in mind that choking Littlefinger will likely come back to bite him in the ass.

I have a feeling the writers probably forgot about it and included it later on.

And they may not have the numbers to do it by the time they actually relent. They may find themselves in a situation where they need the Starks more than the Starks need them.

For the best. The Starks have a nasty habit of getting the wolves killed.

I know people didn't like them, but I was dreading their deaths. Dany got a bunch of her people killed (again). Once again, a 'heroic' character is underestimating a sadistic character.

Or change the fact that their piddly naval force got wrecked. Yara knew they were fucked the moment she popped her head outside.

Yes, those three are alive till Cersei gets her hands on them. I expect the Dornish to die horribly and Yara to get tortured, imprisoned or killed by Euron.

He didn't cut her throat and the Snakes were the bodies we saw.

Yeah, but he is new Ramsay, which Yara and Theon are painfully aware of even before this episode. They should have objected. The only person who actually accounted for what would happened just sat back and pursed her lips (Olenna).

Still, splintering off your army is a good way to get picked apart by a more seasoned enemy.

His pussy behavior spared his Queen, though, so ehhhhh?

Neither one is dead (yet).

My clit agrees.

Indeed, and that last minute set up of Theon being to meek to protect his Queen from being 'invaded.'

They were informed via Yara (oh baby, I don't want to imagine the ways Cersei will torture you) that a) he was building a fleet and b) looking to shmooze up to a queen. They should have at least accounted for the possibility of Cersei having *some* allies.

"Hi, guys, we are just passing on our way to mount a militaristic action against your city. Don't mind us."

Tyrion, I know you were feeling really slick with your siege plan, but sending your fleet down to Dorne when are all aware that THE GREYJOYS ARE MOUNTING FOR A NAVAL WAR WITH YOUR FLEET wasn't exactly a sound strategy. I had a feeling this season would turn into a massive clusterfuck and the show wasted no time


The writing on BrBa/BCS is always tight like that. They never introduce an idea/theme/event without paying it off (though not always in the same episode). Opening with just an astounding near miss had me thinking, "she is finally going to lose it, isn't she?" Truth be told, it certainly seemed like her stress wouldn't

He is one of the most believable looking and sounding lawyers in fiction, as in I can imagine an actual lawyer looking and sounding like him.