Lani Parker

Her practice might.

My mind immediately went to that near crash at the start of the episode when that scene started and, for a moment, I got the impression that she actually did crash at that moment.

That ship has sailed.

Wait, he lost limbs/digits? It doesn't seem like it.

She is best known, as far as I can tell, as Kate's girlfriend.

The writers are also fond of telling a concise story. They aren't given to retreading themes and plot points just for the sake of keeping likable characters around.


I have to disagree with the reviewer, I like seeing spiteful Jimmy. I know some want to see him be good, kindhearted Jimmy forever, but the story does have places to go (and we actually have at least 5 years before BrBa starts)

This was actually one of my faves of this season, feeling like a less on the nose "Down." I doubt this is the final season, but I am beginning to think that Hamlin and Kim won't be around for much longer.

Godlike season 2? You mean the season that completely hinged on an assassin being butthurt over not-his-girlfriend dying?

Not to mention the fact the entire plot of season 2 hinges on Slade being in love with her, something that is tenuous at best, given his willingness to leave her behind in season 1.

I remember all of Nyssa's plots, because sexy brit bisexual (or is it lesbian? I know she is bi in the comics, but she clearly only had eyes for the Lance sisters). But yeah, the catty assassin forcing a fellow queer assassin into the closet, in more ways than one, was particularly fucked up. I also loved how they

Eh, I kinda prefer it this way. That wig never really suited her (I know that the intention behind wigs like that are to conceal the wearers' identities, but it just looked terrible). It would be the worst wig in the Arrowverse, if not for whatever the hell Laurel was wearing.

Zoom, making life difficult for at least one other person even now.

I know that my love for season 3's flashbacks (fuckyeah Katana) make me an outlier in this viewership, but I have to agree that last year's flashbacks were fucking awful.

I know I am probably alone on this, but I kinda loves Hawkgirl… until Hawkman showed back up and she rather unceremoniously dropped Ray. It honestly sucks how I went from really enjoying her presence to not missing her once she left.

I know they are bad guys and they do bad guy things, but when Eobard casually mentioned Nyssa being condemned to a closeted existence, damn that stung. And it reminded me that I miss her character.

Don't tempt me!

It is because the creator/showrunner for seasons 1-2 left and was replaced by her ditzy friend. As a result, we got a lot of episodes with queerphobic and transphobic subtext (seriously, you guys couldn't help that underfae in Bacchus' house. Why? The creature wasn't deliberately hurting people. And there is how Bo

Eh, it had its moments more so than 5, but cats like Dany are still weighing it down.