Lani Parker

Fuck yes, if for no other reason than to have a TWD series where the story itself isn't constantly contorting itself to make the leads look like good people. The only reason they survive is because they are fucking horrible, even more so than Ellie and Joel at this point.

Nah, I would if I cared about any of the characters anymore, but I don't.

Farscape, or Breaking Bad like I do (no, seriously - Universe ended a couple months before its fourth season started airing, my introduction to it).


Habit, you watch because of habit. I am not judging, because it is the same reason I stuck it through to the end of Lost Girl (a show that, similarly, had a strong start and then got hit by the stupid stick in season 2 and proceeded to become completely unwatchable by its fifth season). Genre tv that isn't called

I feel bad for you guys who will stick around for season 8. I shudder to think about how much more the show will devolve after the inevitable flaccid cliffhanger and empty season premiere. This shit is even making recent Game of Thrones look good by comparison. I guess that show at least has an endgame in mind.

Not really, but I get what you mean. This show just can't help itself from spiraling further and further.

Even by this show's stantards, this episode was painfully tone deaf. Not only is any potential Tara had as a character (to be compelling or at all likable) completely squandered, but the plot exemplifies 'fuck you got mine.' I kinda get that the writers are pansies who won't kill off a main, no matter how many perfect

I need that commentary track.

I would die.

I agree 100% andddddd, one of the best appearances of Zoom, despite the lack of Teddy Sears.

Hell, it is my favorite so far of all ongoing seasons.

Hey, they gave us her back! The current state of affairs on Legends has made that bizarre sequence of events totally worth it.

Alright, I have to ask: am I the only one who liked season 3 (especially the flashback storyline)? Yes, it kind of went off the rails in the final few episodes, but the presence of Katana more than made up for it. I also cared more about her and her family more than i have about any of the people in the flashbacks

And so a show that really only needed a 2 season run to tell its story continues to pull whatever it can out of its ass to justify its continuing existence. I count myself as one of the people who actually enjoyed last week's episode, but this show clearly has no endgame in mind. I hope the quality of the season

To be fair, in the timeline of the show, less time has passed than in the games (like 2 and a half-ish years since Rick's coma).

Ever genre series in existence does that, though, and it is always a one off episode with little actual stakes.

No, it was anti-feminist shlock, something genre fiction feels the need to gravitate to, for some reason. The women in that episode were comically misandristic.

You are not wrong and I am more interested in evil Cisco than evil Savitar.

I said it in my comment elsewhere, but the fight Cisco saw when he vibed wasn't the one we saw in this episode. It was snowing and his outfit was different in the vision. Besides, the Arrowverse writers can sometimes toss out plot points like they are high, but even they wouldn't leave it at this.