Lani Parker

Not gonna lie, this is my favorite episode of the season so far, obvious bad guy real notwithstanding. I especially love that, most of the time, I actually bought Killer Frost, something that never happened last season. One of my favorite lines from House of Cards is "friends make the worst enemies" and Caitlin leans

Really looking forward to Supergirl Lives.

Fox really right leaning?

What if that is the plan? What if it is a scheme to usher in a backdoor President like Pence, a dude who NEVER would win on his own.

I was specifically talking about the criticisms I have heard of her from right leaning and critical sources: she is a lying crook hellbent on taking an action that WILL result in World War III (because Russia is suddenly the only foreign country that is a concern anymore). The constant coverage of the email scandal

Maher, Oliver are both distinctly left (even though Maher has a major stick up his ass about political correctness), MSNBC is left leaning, CNN is kind of all over the place, but is generally on the left side of things. NPR is generally more neutral than most, but is undeniably left leaning and fixates on topics that

A significant portion of the media is left leaning, though, hence the the complaints from Trump voters that the media is an elitist conglomerate of Hillary shills that talk down to them.

Trump also has the main advantage of everyone being well aware that he has no dignity.

I sure as hell did.

Yeah, if there is one thing I believe my generation will do, it will be hammering him in the media as long as he has finger on the button. Using comedy to comment on politics is no new thing, but it will definitely not be going away as long as he acts like himself.

I think, on some level, he just assumes we will all just get over it at some point and cease criticizing him.

"Uh oh. Nothing says trouble like a woman laughing when shit ain't funny." Between that piece of dialogue and Evie's dancing in that horse mask, the coven episode is legitimately funny.

It really sucks that Hawkgirl and Hawkman didn't really get a chance to really gel with anyone else properly, but I guess not every comic character can get a fair shake.

I kinda feel the same. I have been watching RvB since its early years so I am kinda used to the format, but, until the Chorus arch, that show was never meant to be taken completely seriously. It is bothersome how a more straight forward show apes the format just to utilize typical tv show pacing and stingers (Mari and

Indeed. I really don't understand why it had to be a one time thing only, unless nbc leveraged it to play out that way.

I was going to drop the show this episode and then they pulled that out and I thought, "well, I guess I can stick around for three more episodes."

I do like that they are mixing things up still, but I will miss Colonel Cold.

Hey, I did notice that they used pretty much every set from the first Wild West episode, but I agree with the reviewer. This is a strong episode and did a lot to make Jonah Hex feel more like an actual character than a pointless cameo *cough*Constantine*cough*.

I actually agree with the grade here. This was a surprisingly strong episode, especially for one preceding a big event. I said on this week's Supergirl review comment section that this show is my favorite season of the DC shows this year and it just keeps living up to that opinion. Unless they have some really whacked

After her first revival in S2, I was like, "really, this tired soap opera cliche?" but it actually has served to make the overall story that much better. From her casual bisexuality (kinda sad she will probably never meet Alex) to her aged warrior wisdom to her leadership instincts, she has definitely grown to be one